Dance in the Rain

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A/N I have two versions of this one that came to mind instantly. I wasn't satisfied. The other is my true vision.

Version 1: First written but not my true vision.

A dance, a dance

My partner is the rain.

The sounds of thunder and the crackle of lighting are the music

A wish

A whisper for its cool touch

The hope for the dance to never end

And the hope for sleep to come.

          Version 2: After dancing and remembering my childhood.

A dance, a dance

My partner is the rain.

The sounds of thunder and the crackle of lighting are the music

A wish

A whisper, for its cool touch

The hope for the dance to never end

And the hope for a quick end

A step, then two more

An elegant twirl

A jump accompanied by a splash

Wash it all away.

Then leave me cold

Wanting for another dance,

"Same time tomorrow?"

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