Come see me!

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Art by Doodliver on Twitter!

  Oliver scrolled through Fuka's posts. From stalking his account, Oliver found that his full name was Fukase. He had two siblings named Cul and Arsloid with matching red hair, and he currently lived in Tokyo. He never saw any mention of school so he assumed he either finished it or dropped out.

  The first thing, though, that Oliver had noticed was that he had a lame left eye. He touched his own left eye, nothing but the socket left, and stared in wonder. The entire left side of Fukase's face had some kind of nasty scarring.

  Oliver felt a sort of kinship with him now that he knew about his eye and really wanted to talk to him again. He decided to just send a message for Fukase to read later.

Fluefaker12: my name is oliver btw, not james :)

  He set his phone aside and stared at the ceiling. Slowly, he fell asleep.

  He woke up to a few notifications from Fukase. The sun shone harshly through his window, so he snatched his phone from his nightstand and disappeared under the blankets like a vampire.

XPoint: thats better than james lmao x

XPoint: accept my follow request _

  Oliver felt a smile creep up his lips and accepted the request. He hoped he hadn't posted anything weird recently that would scare off Fukase, but he had a feeling that the boy wouldn't really care. He held his breath as he saw Fukase begin to type again.


XPoint: sorry moment of weakness

XPoint: do you like music? x

  Oliver felt a laugh bubble up his throat, and he shook his head. He noticed the time and realized he'd have to meet his family down for breakfast soon.

Fluefaker12: thanks and yes i do

Fluefaker12: i like to sing too :) i only sing at like cafes and stuff tho

XPoint: NO WAY ME TOO xx

XPoint: you should come meet me at this concert!

  Fukase sent a link to a website about a concert being held nearby. He wondered if they had similar music tastes.

XPoint: no need to pay for a ticket either!

  He sent a picture of a digital ticket. It looked legit, but Oliver had only met this guy last night on a random fuck ass chatroom, so he figured he should probably call the venue and make sure it was legit.

Fluefaker12: did you just have an extra one around?

XPoint: yeah a friend bailed on me (¬_¬) x

XPoint: if u cant come tho thats fine!

  Oliver thought about it. It's not like it would be all that dangerous since they'd be in a very public place, and he'd have one of his siblings or parents with him. He could see that Fukase was very much a real person based on the types of pictures he took, and if he were fake, there's no way he would choose such a unique face to pretend it was him.

  More importantly, why not? It's a free ticket.

Fluefaker12: sure i'll come :)

Fluefaker12: do you have another free ticket on you perhaps? i'll need to take an adult

XPoint: taking advantage of me now it seems........ x


  Fukase sent another ticket.

XPoint: hehe just kidding ^^

Fluefaker12: you are so mean to me </3

XPoint: if i were nice then it would be boring ;P~

Fluefaker12: true

Fluefaker12: i have to go eat breakfast now but i'll message you afterwards :3

XPoint: wtf share

XPoint: wait nvm your probably gonna eat beans on toast huh

Fluefaker12: .........

Fluefaker12: goodbye fukase!

XPoint: haha oh god x

  Oliver put his phone away and went downstairs for breakfast. He hoped they would be having beans on toast today so he could send a picture to Fukase of him enjoying it. He took his seat next to his big brother Hio after greeting his family.

  "Any plans for today, everyone?" Sweet Ann asked.

  "I was gonna go hang out with Gumi after work." Ruby answered, taking a bite of her food.

  "Oh, she's in town?"

  As they droned into meaningless conversations, Oliver sneakily picked out his phone and took a picture of him taking a bite out of his beans on toast. He suppressed a giggle as Fukase replied in all caps "DISGUSTING." He flipped the camera and squeezed his toast. He took a picture and sent it as well.

XPoint: u should be in federal prison for the crimes u are committing to my conscious rn. i have to think about this shit for the next few ours u know x

  "Uh, Oliver, what the fuck are you doing?" Hio asked with a laugh.

  Oliver looked up and noticed everyone was looking at him. He smiled and put his phone away. "I'm practicing for real life." He said simply, slurping the beans off of his fingers.

  "Practicing for what exactly?" Big Al questioned, and Oliver just smiled wider, ominously.

  "Anyway," Oliver began, chewing on some of the squeezed toast. "Does anyone wanna go with me to a concert in two weeks? I have an extra ticket."

  "When did you buy concert tickets?" Big Al questioned.

  "Let alone get the money for them?" Ruby added.

  "A friend gave them to me."

  "I can come." Hio offered with a shrug. "I'm not doing anything."


Lean On Me, I'll Be Here for You (Olikase/FukaOli)Where stories live. Discover now