Captain Bark

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Hello ! My name is Moose , but you can call me Captain Bark.Wait don't let my human Chad know I am Captain Bark. I am here to rid the world of evil mail man . " MOOSE LETS GO WE ARE GOING TO YOUR GRANDMA'S !!!" Yay ! I love Grandma Joyce's house we play with toys like my sidekick Mighty Mole . Grandma doss not like Mighty Mole , but she like it when we save the world ! My pet human Chad has to go to do some sorta job thingy , so we play games and when she thinks I am napping I plan to TAKE DOWN THE MAIL MANS !! Today, my cousins Emerie, Chloe, Lucy, and Gunner are here , we are going to have fun . But in two weeks I heard the mail people are  planing  to blow up this nice neighborhood called Crossview, and my grandmother and all her friends live here that can't happen she's my favorite person besides my pet human Chad . Whattt grandma has the evil broom out , I have to bark and tell her that thing is evil " Ruff Ruff Ruff Rufff "

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