𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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My Dearest
Chapter seventeen

    Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, the two most competitive quidditch teams in the Hogwarts house league going head to head in the season starter, a big day for James Potter to show the entire student body what he was made of as a captain, a force t...

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    Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, the two most competitive quidditch teams in the Hogwarts house league going head to head in the season starter, a big day for James Potter to show the entire student body what he was made of as a captain, a force to be reckoned with.
    The entire pitch was covered in red and blue, the student body going all out for the first and most tense game of the season.
    Even students from other houses were decked out in the colours of the opposing teams, the professors were delighted by the atmosphere that surrounded the students as Madame Hooch blew her whistle and announced the start of the game.

    The seventh-year Gryffindors were roaring as their classmates and members of the team flew onto the pitch, showing off their spirit as they flashed the new red and gold jerseys that displayed the house crest on their hearts.
    James the new captain flies in last gaining obnoxiously loud screams from all the students.

    Sirius sat next to Minnie in the teacher's section, he had gained the role of announcer after a nasty injury in the previous season that led his Hogwarts quidditch days to a glorious ending.
    He held the microphone with pride as he announced all of the team's names, numbers, and positions. The occasional snarky or backhanded comment left his lips as he introduced the Ravenclaw team. The crowd could hear McGonagall's protests as Sirius insulted his way through the entire blue team.

    Ella sat bundled in her Gryffindor scarf, her hat two sizes too big for her head to cover her ears, and a baggy Gryffindor jumper she'd leant from James after he had whined about her lack of school spirit. Her hands shoved in her pockets to prevent them from turning into ice pops.
    Remus and Romeo sat on one side of her, Athena on the other. All of them were dressed head to toe in red and gold, their cheeks nipped pink by the cool breeze that rushed through the crowded stands.

    "I hate quidditch" Athena grumbled quietly into her mug filled with hot tea, scared of gaining stares from the ever-supporting Gryffindor fans.
    "We know," Romeo said a-matter-o-factly with a smile, trying to keep himself from laughing at the girl who was buried in a pile of scarves, mumbling about her hatred for the colour red.
    Ella smiled as she tuned out the complaints and arguments between the two. Both she and Remus sat in silence, the game progressed with such ease.

    James had foolproof plays that were putting the red and gold team in the lead. It was like he had learnt the laws of the game inside and out and completely redesigned the team's tactics.
    They were crushing the Ravenclaws, no doubt that James had earned his captain position.

    You could see the smirk on Minnie's face as she watched the game unfold, she loved a good match and had high hopes for the Potter boy the moment she owned his offering up the position.

    Ella's eyes had been caught by the glint of James' glasses, he had this look of pride smeared on his face as his team scored again.
    It was as if all the pieces were perfectly falling into place.
    He let out a huff of air, the air so cold that you could see his breath, as he glided around the pitch, his cheeks flushed from the air hitting his face and his lips chewed up from the pregame nerves.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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