The fated meeting part 2

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"Ena Speaking"

"Normal Speaking"

'Ena Speaking in Naru's mind'

'Thoughts/People speaking in their minds'



Naru (pov):                                                                                                                                                                              
I could not believe what I was hearing. The great Kyuubi no kitsune was standing before me and telling me the yondaime made me her vessel.

" Quite surprising, is it not ? Why don't you relax for now? I ought to fill you in while you're healing."


With my word of approval, she started her tale, her voice was even and unchanging during the whole ordeal, I couldn't help but wonder how she was able to do it.

"It is needless to say that one should always look underneath the underneath. The same could be said when it comes to the unfortunate events that took place on the night of October 10th. As you may or may not already know, the seal on a jinchuriki gets weaker during childbirth. It has always been possible to prevent the seal from weakening if the jinchuriki and its bijuu are on good terms and said bijuu helps maintain the seal while its container is in labor. My relationship with your mother was not the best. She had ignored me most of the time and used my chakra without my consent when hers ran out. On the night of the attack, right after she gave birth to you, a masked individual managed to free me from the seal. Hopefully, you can understand that after being sealed for years, I was not in the best of moods. In my rage, I sought to destroy Konoha. Your father defeated the masked individual. He and your mother sacrificed their life to seal me inside of you. Although I-"

"So you are the reason my parents are dead!!" I yelled accusingly. This, however, seemed like the wrong thing to do as her entire demeanor changed in less than a second. The woman who I once thought looked charming suddenly turned cold, her voice, ever so soothing was as firm and strict as battle-hardened samurai.

"It is quite ill-mannered to interrupt people when they are speaking. I will not be disrespected or looked down upon by a mere human. Carrying a bijuu is a great honor. If you would like  this partnership to work out,  act according to your status." 

'That was not what I expected.' I was ready for her to attack me yet here she was lecturing me.

" Well? I expect an answer Ningen" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts again. Who knew I would get lectured by some random woman I just met?

" I'm sorry... What did you say you name was again?"

" My name is Ena and I still expect a proper apology. however."

*sigh* "I apologize for interrupting you Ena."

" Not what I was hoping for but I guess that is a start. Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Although I regretted my behavior that night, I do not regret what I did to Konoha. I also apologize for the death and the pain it has caused you. I do not however feel any remorse whatsoever over the fact that I killed them."

  When she finished her rant, I could only think of two things. One, at least she is honest. She could have pretended to be sorry about her actions or tried to pin the blame on someone else. She does not care about my parents nor does she care about Konoha and she does not feel the need to hide it.  Two, why does she care about the fact that I was in pain ? It just does not make sense.

" What exactly do you want from me? You hated my mother an killed my parents, yet here you are helping me and giving me answers to all  my questions. So again, what do you want from me?"

" Quite smart, aren't we? It is quite simple. I simply wish for you to become my apprentice..."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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