Noi noticing the orb in nobody's hands, he sprints toward it. Before he was knocked to the other direction by Pierce. Without knowing it, Noi collides with Rhys. Both falling onto the ground. 

"Jeez..." Y/N places their left hand onto their hip, disappointed. "Seriously..?" 

Pierce ignoring Y/N's comment, he grabs the orb again. His eyes focused on the orb's beauty. Before he's able to do anything else a fire ball hits the ground in front of him. Creating a small explosion, Pierce covers his eyes. Only to find out that he was in a ring of fire. 

Alerted, he quickly gets on one knee to bow to his highness. 

Rhys noticing Pierce's sudden actions he copies. This creates a domino effect as Noi, Leif, and Y/N bow as well. 

As the dust separates, Prince Asch can be seen in front of all of the knights. His horns showed off with pride as one had a ring around it. He could be seen wearing a combination of reds and black. Complimenting his high royal position, he wears a ring on his arm. 

Rhys suddenly got up. "You're Highness, I can explain. We have obtained the soul when it slipped from our grasp and—" 

Pierce interrupts Rhys, "We had a delay."

Y/N stares at Asch for a bit, before suddenly feeling Leif's eyes on them. Their eyes softened focusing on their mannerism. 

A small woman walked out of Asch's shadow, "Well... is it hot in here? Or is it just me~?" 

Y/N and Rhys' eyes widened in surprised.

"Lady Grandma?" Rhys spoke. 

Asch sighed, "ugh.. Not now grandmother—" 

"Silence! Hmph. When I was queen of this land of Daemos, I could have your TONGUE for speaking back at me." Lady Grandma scolded him. 

"Why are you here?" Leif asked. 

"That soul you all obtained. You need to take it unharmed  to the alter now, or we won't be able to use it." 

Pierce holding the orb, he quickly placed the orb into a small pouch. For it to be unable to get scratched. 

"I mean— The person killed to get it was harmed but—" Noi was suddenly hit on the shoulder by Lady Grandma. 

"Don't speak ill of the dead!" She coughed. "Now follow me." 

She turned around, facing the direction the opposite direction. "You'll be in the new world soon enough." Lady Grandma began walking toward the palace. As soon as Asch followed, everybody including Y/N followed. Leif could feel Y/N's eyes on him, "What Y/N? Can't help but stare at me?" 

They roll their eyes. "No, what you did with Noi was careless. What if you had harmed the orb? That was all unnecessary..." He chuckles. "Come on Y/N, we're Daemos... of course there would be some competition." He nudges you a bit as the two of you continued to walk. 

"Yeah... competition that was still unnecessary. You're lucky you didn't drop the orb, if you had then all of this would've been for nothing." 

Leif shrugged as he took out of his sickles, twirling it. "You didn't have any faith in me? Dear Y/N?" 

Y/N scoffs, "Of course I had some faith in you, also stop calling me with nicknames. We're knights, not a couple. If you want to do that then—" 

"If I wanted too, I would've done that a long time ago wouldn't I?" Leif continued to play with his sickle. 

An awkward silence filled the air. Before Y/N spoke. 

"You'll be walking into the palace walls again, how ya feel about that?" 

He shrugs. "I don't really know? It's been years since I've entered those walls. Why? Worried that I'll get emotionally hurt—!" 

Y/N nudges his in the stomach with their own blade gently, "Don't test it, we'll be working together. In the new world..." 

"There you go again being negative about this situation Y/N." 

Before you both could continue talking Noi butted in. 

"You both whisper really loud y'know! Pierce and I could hear you both bickering." 

Y/N's stoic expression returned, "My Apologies, Noi. Pierce" 

Pierce glances at you and Leif for a good 30 seconds, before focusing back on the walk towards the palace. 

"You two are like— twins almost!" Noi comments again. 

Y/N places their blade back into their inventory. "I'll take that as an insult Noi." 

Leif chuckles, "Yeah Noi, Y/N just will keep rejecting how much they're into me—" 

"Shut it." 

Noi sweats a bit letting out a giggle. "Welp! You two have fun talking." He then focuses on back on their journey. 

Y/N's eyes glanced up to the starry sky once again. Imagining themselves in peace, with the wind and sky. 

Without Y/N noticing, Leif notices Y/N looking at the sky... "Hm.. I wonder why they keep looking up."  Before he to, chooses to shut up and continue walking. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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