The aftercare

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As you woke up you wanted to leave and just brush your teeth and make breakfast you felt a tug, "Princess stay with me" you heard Stephens sexy morning voice

"Stephen I have to make break-"

He did not let you finish the sentence he says, "Why can't my Princess rest for this once"

You then gave in and giggled, "Your lucky it's you my fine prince"

You could see a smile on his sleepy face

You hugged him back and slept for a little while longer.

—2 hrs later—

As you woke up Stephen was no longer next to you.

You got up and got ready and checked the clock which read '10:30'

You walk to the kitchen tired, "Morning Stephen and everyone else"

You said as you gave Stephen a hug from the back

As you didn't notice Steve right next to you since you where half asleep. Steve blew the blowhorn.

You suddenly woke up and smacked him hard in the head


Cait, Wanda and Nat started cackling so hard.

You heard Peter from the background, "you're an idiot Steve never do that to (Y/N)"

As you couldn't help but to feel a little groggy Cait gave you coffee, "Well Good morning to sleepy head this morning" as they looked at the readers they winked and looked back at (Y/N)

"Well I'm pretty sure she had a FUN night last night," she tugged Cait

"I did have fun but not that kind of fun Cait"

"I didn't say anything," they said with a smirk

"I know you," you looked up, "I'm not stupid"

Cait said nothing

"What did you two talk about?" Wanda said, "If you Don't mind because I heard you two giggling and laughing until you two went to the room where it got SUPER quiet"

"Well y'all where in luck because we put a spell where no one can hear us in the room because we both where laughing SUPER hard"

"Yeah sureeeeeeeee...." Cait said

"We where," you said blushing

"Well why are you wearing his favourite that he always wears," they point out to the Twisted Sister merch

"How do you know that's my favourite?" Stephen butted in while setting both plates down and forks

Cait, Wanda, and Nat gave the 'seriously' look

"You guys are right"

"I know you two weren't laughing to hard..." Cait said then whispered so loud that everyone can hear "YoU gUyS fUcKeD"

You then magically taped Caits mouth, "Shutup"

As Cait tried to removed the tape they failed so many times

"No we did not have sex, okay? We just bonded and talked and talked till we fell asleep" you smiled then elbow tapped Stephen "isn't that right Stephen"

Stephen tried not to look suspicious, "yeah it was great. Also I've learned a new fun fact from (Y/N)"

"Really? I would love to hear it" Nat said elbowing Cait to calm down

"Yeah did you know that Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times."

"Wait that's actually cool," you hear Peter from the couch "I wonder if I can use mine to heal since I always end up getting cut while crime fighting bad guys" he then does the fight stance

You all start laughing so hard, "Pete" you got up laughing then ruffle his hair, "You're funny but yeah it's true but don't you make your own webs?"

"Well yeah but remember the other me Peter 2 from another universe that has webs come out of his wrists yeah I would love to tell him but I don't want to break the multiverse again," he frowns

"Pete it's ok if the multiverse is broken by some bad guys and they comeback yeah that's fine you can tell him but other than that we can do fun stuff here," you tried to lighten up the mood

"Yeah," he said excitedly "well imma get back to work"

You pat him on the shoulder then sat back down then you saw Loki walk in

"Wait who taped Caits mouths?" Loki asked

"I did" as you rolled your eyes


"Because cait didn't want to shutup about me and Stephen last night"

"Wait you guys had sex?" He asked shocked

"You too?" The four of you said at the same time

"You guys act like it's not a big deal I know they had sex"

"Creep" you said

"(Y/N) you forgot that a god -ahem- me cannot break your spell" he gave you that look

"Wait you intruded?"

"Yeah you two where being so loud that you both forgot to block it from magic users too," he said with a disgusted look "Be glad Wanda isn't your neighbor"

Everyone came out of the rooms and vents shocked what they just heard

Your face started turning red and so did Stephens

As everyone was handing $20 to Cait and Loki

Tony said, "I wasn't surprised these two wizards are here having," does the sucking movement with his mouth

Tony said, "I wasn't surprised these two wizards are here having," does the sucking movement with his mouth

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(y/n) rn

ANYWHOOOOOO I hope you guys enjoy

The sexy sorcerer (Dr. Stephen Strange x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now