The first mission together

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As you created a portal to save Stephen you created a sword

Stephen comes out of nowhere and shows off his skills

"I had this you know that asshole," you said in an irritated tone as you both defeated a giant squid.

"Well you could've killed yourself Ms. Attitude" he said scoffing

"Look if you're going to pull this shit again after I had goes my way" you said rolling your eyes

Stephen laughs hard, "You're funny"

You scoffed, "Yeah right"

You created a portal leading to the Avengers tower mad

"No need to be mad be grateful I saved your ass," Stephen said

"Look Dr. Asshole next time let me do it," you said angrily

Tony snickers, "Good nickname I might use that later"

Stephen sighs in disappointment, "Not helping Tony"

Tony walks away sipping his drink since he seems unfazed

Peter starts running towards Stephen, "STEPHEN! STEPHEN! STEPHEN!"

"Out of my way Missy" Stephen lightly pushes you said, "Hey what is it"

"Stephen ok so like I have this anatomy study guide for this test which is hard I might need your help" he says "Also hey (Y/N)"

Stephen agrees to help him they both sit on the couch Stephen helps him but before he could do that he looks at you walking off to your room.

In your dimly lit room you've decided to take a shower as you where deep into your warm shower you where deep in your thoughts and all you thought of was Stephen helping you.

As you couldn't finish your thoughts you felt someone trying to get into your head you decided to block it.

You finished your shower and got dressed so you've decided to go fetch for a small snack in your favourite black shorts and favourite oversized white tee shirt.

As you where making a small snack for yourself Stephen walks in accidentally knocking the glass cup that was on the counter

He whispered, "shit"

You looked over not only you've noticed that he was struggling to clean it up you've noticed his hands shaking

"I got it Doctor," you've said

"No no I got it" he replied

"Doctor I got it you don't need to worry" you insisted but he gave in

As you finished you looked at his hands again you've noticed his scars you scanned them for a few more seconds before he noticed and he decided to hide his hands

"I'm sorry," you said

"No need to apologise," Stephen replied, "I am just here to get some water"

"Can I ask about your hands? If you don't mind" you've asked

"Yeah I've been in car accident when I was a Doctor I tried again but I had to retire being a doctor and decided to be a sorcerer" he said looking at his hands "the shaking doesn't stop but it has gotten a lot better than it was 7 years ago" he sighs "honestly I'm ashamed of them" he notices that he was being kind he then shakes his head, "Forget we had this convo" he then grabs his snack and goes to his room

Nat walked by, "Well that's interesting he never told us about his hands and if he did he probably told Tony and Peter cause they're literally like a second family."

"Oof well why would he tell me?" You ask

"I don't know" she shrugs

"Hey can you keep a secret?"

"Sure what is it"

"Ok so like I kinda find him hot but like I have had a crush on him since I was studying at Kamar-Taj when I first went he had recently became the sorcerer supreme I had studied hard just to be here second powerful sorceress which I'm tied to his friend wong"

She looks at you shocked, "Wow...well Good-luck with that one...the last girl he liked didn't end well"

"Oof— I've heard" you sighed "Well I'm going to head to my room and just be in my own zone"

"Goodluck," she smiles

The sexy sorcerer (Dr. Stephen Strange x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now