


Izuku stared blankly at the screen, waiting for her to return. 

the dark green-haired boy leaned on his hand. 

he waited for an hour before he decided to go to bed. Izuku had notifications on, so he'll hear her texts. 





Izuku walked out of the door and down the stairs of the apartment he lived in with his mother. 

As he descended, Chikako was at the bottom of the stairs without her signature pigtails rather it was just tied up in a bun. 

"Chikako?" he mumbled. 

"What is it, Izuku?" the girl questioned, turning around. A smile plastered on her face. 

"Ah! sorry. this is the 1st time I saw you without twin tails."

"Oh! Just didn't feel like taking 20 minutes to do my hair." she smiled. The two started to walk to the train station

"Well, I guess that's a fair point but, so suddenly... did happen?" Izuku asked, worried. Chikako looked shocked. 

"hehe, no silly. Nothing happened. don't be such a worry wart." Chikako nudged her friend. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Are you doubting me? *gasp* Does our friendship mean nothing?" Hu tao joked, and Izuku turned pale.

"T-t-that's not what I meant!!" the boy announced.  Hu tao burst out laughing.

"I'm just joking." 

"Oh... of course!" the boy scratched his neck. 





As they arrived in U.A. they parted ways. Hopefully, Izuku can introduce his best friend to his new friends. 




Hu tao put her hand in her hair. Everything was spinning. 

'Maybe I'm shouldn't have used my quirk so much...' the girl's eyes started to dilate.

"psst" someone tried to get Chikako's attention. The girl with a bun looked around to meet eyes with Hatsume. 

"What's up?" Hu tao whispered. 

"Are you okay? You look super pale." 

"I do?"  she didn't notice. She was feeling feebler than normal. Hatsune nodded.

"I'll go to the doctors office later." Chikako smiled.

Her new friend shrugged and went back to looking at the lesson (their little inventions)






3rd day of U.A high:

Izuku sat down at the beach be met so many good people. He drew in the sand like a child.

"BOO!" someone yelled behind him. He freaked out and backed away in a combat position

"why'd you always have to do that!!??" Izuku questioned, his body stopped tensing up. He went to sit where he was.

"it's funny!" Hu tao admits, sitting down on the ledge of the concrete separating the sand and the road.

The two looked at the water, their bare feet in the warm sand.

"Haaa.... It's been a while since I've been here"

Izuku glanced at his friend. She looked tired.

Her eyes looked like she was thinking about a billion other things rather than what was in front of her.

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