Chapter 10

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I dried myself with a towel after I bathed, and switched into a more formal attire that the royal tailor had prepared for me. It was a blue outfit with details of golden designs, and a deep blue suit that I wore over it. I looked in the mirror as I fixed my hair, combing it with my hands until I got a ruffled but not too ruffled kind of look, which was my signature look.

I was still a bit shaken up after the hybrid attack, and I reviewed the marks on my arm and the pain in my chest and arms from when the hybrid hit me hard and sent me hurtling in the air. I was still wondering why it cowered at the sight of Esmee wielding a bow and arrow but fought violently against a group of knights. Maybe the hybrid's weakness was bows and arrows.

Someone knocked on my door. "Hurry up, it's almost starting," Esmee said.

I hurried to the door and opened it. "You know, that's not the way you should talk to a king," I said.

"I will not conform. And you have some important explaining to do," she said and gave me a look of irritation.

I sighed. "Ok, I'll explain everything. It's a long story, I'll tell you right after the coronation, I promise." I said.

"Right. Now come on, I'll escort you," she said and walked with me to the throne room. She wore a bright red dress today, and her hair was braided intricately on the back of her head.

"Who did your hair?" I asked.

"Ara did. She's quite good."

Mr. Farko met us at the end of the hall and stopped when he saw me and Esmee. "Oh, Your Majesty," he said and bowed. "I was going to escort you to your coronation but frankly, your sister would be a better option."

"Thank you, Mr. Farko," Esmee said, smiling sweetly.

"It's my pleasure, my princess. And you were terrific at the woods today, with your bow and arrow. You are quite the archer, I must say."

"That's very kind of you to say. Thank you." Esmee said, and we continued walking with Mr. Farko following behind us.

The throne was at the heart of the castle. Behind the grand staircase in the grand foyer, was another room that leads to a big room with an open space, and pillars that leads to the big throne in the front of the room. Above us, a big crystal chandelier glowed brightly, and a huge crowd of people gathered, only the ones who were able to get there before the throne room was deemed full.

They applauded when I appeared at the doors, and Esmee walked with me to the throne as we smiled and greeted everybody. Esmee stayed in the front of the crowd as I stood before the throne, and the archbishop went up to my side and requested everyone to be silent with the raise of his arms. He held a staff with a green orb on the end and faced me.

"We gather here today to crown the new king of Krurian, King Alexios, the heir to the throne of his father, the late King Petar," he said, and raised his staff, landing the green orbs on both of my shoulders. The crowd looked up front excitedly and intently. I spotted Esmee, and she smiled at me when I caught her eyes.

A man came forward with the royal crown on a velvet pillow and offered it to the archbishop, who then held it with both of his hands and raised it above him, to the crowd. After some time, he stood before me, holding the jewel-studded golden crown, and placed it on my head.

The moment the crown touched my head, the entire crowd of people clapped and cheered, celebrating the legitimacy of their new king. I grinned happily at the joyous crowd commemorating my coronation.

The archbishop stood beside me. "Krurian, you have your king!" he said, and the cheers got louder, and it was now time for me to go outside and see the people of my kingdom as the new king of Krurian.

I walked along the crowd, and the knights followed behind me as I made my way to the castle front, where more people would be waiting for me. I stood before the main doors, preparing myself behind the doors and taking a deep breath.

I looked at the guards, signaling them to open the doors. As they did, an ocean of crowds welcomed me with screams and outstretched arms. I walked until I was at the topmost step of the castle steps, and I waved my hand toward them, amplifying their cheering.

I looked at the crowd, taking in how many people were there, the savants, the children, even the nobles. I looked back at the rest of the kingdom behind them, which was empty, all of them were here celebrating me.

I walked down the stairs to get closer to every single one of them. Below the steps was a group of knights lined up as a barrier between me and the people. I stayed just right behind them so I could get a closer look at them.

Those in the front lines frenzied in their positions, calling out my name and stretching their hands out for me. In the back of the crowd, I could see Anika and Granos standing, their tall statures made me see them better, and I laid my eyes on them for a while, wondering if they could see me with their future vision. I waited for a sign that they could, and soon, Granos raised his hand, and Anika did the same.

There was a ball at the party, and everybody was welcome and invited if they chose to go. The grand foyer was big enough to become the ballroom, and it was filled with people dressed in exquisite outfits and stunning dresses. The lights shone brightly down on the euphoric scene, and it reflected on everything as the people in the ball made a good time out of a late-night ball.

Some people danced in twos to the violins on a graceful choreography in the middle of the foyer, swirling and twirling, and switching partners smoothly and swiftly. I walked through the crowd, greeting as many people as I can, and coming across countless congratulations and handshakes.

I looked for Esmee in the sea of people in the room, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I found Ara carrying a tray of beverages back to the kitchen, and I caught up to her.

"Have you seen Esmee around lately?" I asked.

"Yes, uh, I think I saw her go to the back of the castle, Your Grace," she replied. "Thank you," I said, and went to the back straight away.

I reached the small door that leads there and opened it. I stepped outside to the cold air, and the back of the castle was empty. At this time of night, the lights outside were off, including the ones on the lamp posts, and only the lights from inside the castle reached to light up the outside a little bit.

I decided to walk back inside, and when I turned, I saw Esmee pressed up against the wall by a man, kissing her on the lips, and holding her face in his hands as they closed their eyes.

They were shrouded in shadows and darkness, their bodies pressing up towards each other like magnets, and I gasped when I found them both.

They were both startled when they heard me, and I recognized who the man was: it was Aizrill.

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