should i...

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                                    TW: SH

                                   Vinnies pov

  As he wakes up in the morning the first thing he dose is check to see if you have messaged him but you haven't he starts to panic even more wondering if myuwhy you haven't text him he gets out of bed and heads downstairs once he is downstairs he can hear everyone in the kitchen so he walks into the kitchen and takes a seat at the counter

Kovur: hey vinnie
Vinnie: hi
Kovur: are you okay
Vinnie: yeah im just worried about y/n

They all look at vinnie with a concerned look

Thomas: why what's wrong with y/n
Vinnie: she hasn't texts me since yesterday, the night of her parents funeral she wasn't coping very well she was drinking bottles of vodkas i think she had 2 in a row and she smoked a full packet of cigarettes and when i called her the next morning she had a pretty deep cut on her head and she looked like she had been crying. Her eyes we're puffy and red but I didn't mention it I've tried to call her but she doesn't answer im just really worried about her
Mia: oh my god im really worried about her I know she is struggling but she always texts us to tell us that she is okay this isn't like her
Vinnie: i know, i dont know what to do
Kovur: when does she come home
Vinnie: on Thursday night
Kovur: okay so in 3 days
Vinnie: yeah
Thomas: i think we need to talk to her when she gets here
Vinnie; yeah but something doesn't feel right like something bad has happened, maybe i should go to see her
Mia: i think you should im really worried about her

Vinnie nods his head and walks up stairs he decides to stream before he packs his bag and books a plane ticket

Your pov

You start to wake up to the sun shining through your blinds you sit up the room spinning
You look around the room and realise your awake and still alive you start to cry wishing it had worked
You slowly get out of bed and stumble to your bathroom and start throwing up you lay there for about ten minutes while you are throwing up once you have finish you you turn on the shower on while you are waiting for it to heat up you stand in front of your mirror you see the dark rings around you eyes and see how pale you look next you look down at your body you hate what you see you look at stomach and you see how it pokes out you sigh and look at your thighs you see the scars on them you you start to cry even more wishing you never looked in the mirror you slowly get into the shower while everything is spinning you sit down and pull your knees up to your chest hugging them while  you cry you keep crying until you cant cry anymore why cant i do anything right you say through your tears you stay like that for a while once you have done in the shower you get out and stand in front of your mirror you cant take the pain anymore you reach into your draw and dig around until you see it. You grab your blade and hold it to your arm you press down and make a cut you make about 10 on each arm then you move to your thighs and you do the same thing once you are finished there's blood everywhere all over your floor and sink you feel relieved for a few seconds and then you start to feel ashamed and that feeling only makes you cry even more after about 10 minutes of you crying the bleeding stops you clean the cuts then go into your bedroom and but on some blue jeans and a grey hoodie you grab your keys and head down stairs you go into the kitchen and get your phone you turn it on and see loads of texts from vin you read  them you sigh seeing how worried he is so you call him it only rings 2 tines before he answers

Vinnie :y/n
Y/n: hi vin
Vinnie: omg y/n i was so worried about you
Y/n: i know vin im so sorry
He tries to face time you and you press accept but put camera facing up
Vinnie: why didn't you call or text me back y/n i was going to book a plane ticket to come and see you
You've scared us all
He says in a pleading tone
Y/n: i know vinnie and im so so sorry i never wanted to worry you my phone was turned off because i ahh needed some time alone and to think
Vinnie: i know baby but please just text me next time so i know you are okay
Y/n: i will vinn i never wanted to scare you
Vinnie sights
Vinnie: come on camera i miss you
You move the camera so he can see your face
Vinnie sighs as he looks at your red puffy eyes he can tell you have been crying
Vinnie: oh baby are you okay
Y/n : no
You say as you look down
Vinnie: tell me whats wrong
Y/n: everything vin its all getting too much again. I really miss them
Vinnie: oh baby i know you do but it will get better
Y/n: when will it, it feels like a everyday is just getting worse like everyday is on repeat vin i hate it i just wast everything to stop
You say as the tears fall
Vinnie: y/n its going to be okay i know  you feel like you should just give up but you cant i will get easier i don't know when but it will I promise you
You just nod your head trying to control your tears
Vinnie: its going to be okay baby ..... have you uhh hurt your self again
Your hart starts to race
Y/n: no
Vinnie smiles
Vinnie: im so proud of you y/n
You smile at him
Y/n: vin  I'm going to go im going to see my parents grave again
Vinnie: okay baby i love you
Y/n: i love you too
Vinnie: bye my love
Y/n: Bye vin

You end the call and walk out to your car you get in and drive to the graveyard it only takes about 25 minutes to get there once you get there you get out of
Your car and walk to their grave

Y/n: Hey mom hey dad .....

Love ~ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now