#14 girl on girl

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I passed out cold right after she'd left and blink my eyes open in the soft morning light. Ugh. I hope that wasn't a dream. Ringing from downstairs makes me groan and rub my eyes "is someone going to get that?" I shout as the phone continues to blast its note.

Since I get no reply I roll out of my bed and almost trip downstairs. "Robin?" A gentle voice calls my name through the speaker.

I feel a grin spread across my face "Nance?"

"I broke it off with Johnathan" she announces and some part of me feels guilty while the other is overjoyed.

"Nobodies home if you wanted to come over again- I mean you don't have to we can go somewhere else or-"

She cuts me off with a simple "be there in ten"

Ten? Ten minutes? Holy shit I have to get ready. The call ends and I drop the phone in a mad dash, my closet is my first target as I scavenge through. No. No. Too small. Too big. Yes!

I find the perfect 'cute but casual' outfit and swiftly move onto makeup. Mascara, concealer and lipstick you know the basics.

Two spritz of perfume glide over my skin and douse the air with vanilla as the doorbell rings. With shaking hands I open the door and get immediately wrapped up in a hug. She smells so good, like a sunset over a lavender field.

"Hey" she giggles pulling back.

I smile down at her with my rapid heart pounding through my low cut shirt "hi"

Nothing else is said as we fall into a kiss. This is much, much less delicate then yesterdays. Tongue and lips trace over eachother desperately speaking a thousand words I could never image being said. "Upstairs?" The questioning tone is enough to imply much darker things.

"Mhm" I hum in reply fixing our lips back together and tugging one another up the carpeted steps.


In a blur I feel myself being pushed down onto the blankets of my bed, warm hands trace my body and send shivers throughout my skin. "This okay?' she asks from above me.

Looking into her deep eyes I smirk "yes" is all I need to say before her hands find my most sensitive places. One hand goes to right under my shirt the other under my shorts. She sure knew how go get what she wanted to say she's never been with girls before.

She feels my body for a few minutes as we makeout heatedly. Desire stirs within my stomach and I can't wait anymore. "Let me" I mumble between kisses and unclasp my bra, her fingers immediately tracing my nipples. Her lips muffle my noises as I wrap my arms around her tightly.

My hands find her lower back inching downward, once I reach what I was searching for I squeeze. She groans and I smile againt her. It's still so unreal to me. I'm doing this with Nancy Wheeler? I mean I'm doing Nancy Wheeler.

After awhile of letting her have her fun I decide to test out my strength by flipping her over. Beneath me she gasps at the movement and I move down to her stomach "may I?" I ask with a devilish grin. She nods vigorously tangling hands in my hair as I remove her jeans.

Her smooth thighs look so pretty in the dim bedroom lighting and I take in the view for a few heartbeats. A desperate tug of my hair urges me to get a move on. I chuckle into the fabric of her underwear sending visible shivers over her. Pulling the material away slowly and carefully I let my mind ease into the moment. Pressing small kisses around her hips down to her pelvis i take my time basking in the feeling. This wasn't just some frivolous hookup with a 'straight' girl who was going to act like this never happened the next day, this was real.

This was somebody I had adored since laying eyes on her. "You are truly beautiful Wheeler" I huff.

"Robin" she groans my name in just the most perfect way.

"Yes?" I reply smugly. This is the only time in my life I'd ever had the one up on her and I was loving it.

"Please, put your mouth on me already"

Those words alone could have sent me to heaven but I had a duty. Please the princess. I move my tounge over her gently as first, her gasps and moans echo in my ears. Her hands bury futher into my hair as she noves her hips wanting more. Gracefully I provide, moving circles on her faster and harder until she's panting.

Seeing the put together girl finally come undone has me blushing so hard I could blend in with a strawberry patch but I don't care. I just want to live in this forever.

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