#13 Just three words

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"Watch out for vines" Nancy notes as we crawl up the Creel house staircase.

To my disliking we had to let go of eachothers hands to squeeze up the rickety wooden frame. My heart is pounding in my ears as I try to keep my balance. It doesn't help when the whole building shakes and we all scream and wobble in place. Miraculously I don't trip and find myself feeling more confident.

"We got this" I whisper to the girl near me. I am quick to regret my choice of words though, the room shakes once again but a lot more violently.

Steve trips and i stumble into a large pile of vines. "Uh oh" I mutter as I get snapped up and against the wall.

Steve slams into the wood beside me with Nancy to the left getting grabbed last. The sound of choking from my companions thunders in my head. I can barely focus on the oxygen leaving my own lungs as I try desperately to get one last look at them. My friends. I knew this couldn't end well I knew-

We fall to the floor after what feels like forever. "Holy shit" Steve chokes out.

"I don't believe in miracles but that was nothing short" I rasp trying to stand once again.

Looking over at Nancy her face hardens. She looks angrier then i've ever seen her and 100% more determined. "Initiate the next phase" she growls into the radio.


Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. We made it to Vecnas attic. He's right there entangled in vines with grotesque eyes closed as he works to get into Max's mind.

Looking back to my friends they each give a firm nod. It's time. Steve lights the bottle I hold and I throw it as far as I can with a grunt. Flames engulf the entire room burning into the dark being before us. Steve is next to toss his own cocktail and set more flames roaring up across the already charred flesh of Vecna.

My breathing is ragged and rapid, locks of dark hair brush past me and I take a few steps back watching as Nancy levels herself. Gun in hand and face pressed close to the barrel she aims at the monster who had been haunting us for so long. One shot rings out, then another and another and finally another. Vecna is sent flying through the wall with some deep demonic shrieking.

"You did it!" I shout when my breath finally refills my lungs. The gun slinging woman simply smiles.

"We did it" she corrects.


Home at last. We make it through the portal with a very upset Dustin. My heart aches when he tells us what Eddie did. I hadn't been too close with him since we didn't get to spend much time together but he was sweet and charasmatic.

Max...didn't end up so well either, shes in the hospital in a coma. We tried so hard and it still wasn't enough. Nancy had taken me to see the girl, the drive back was awkward and tense something unspoken in the air. I decided I had to get these feelings off my chest.

"So do you-"
"Can we-"

We both spoke at the same time pausing to laugh at the moment. "You first" she said with a sly smile.

Now i feel even more nervous. I have to get it out though- it's only three words. "I was going to ask if we could talk I mean I know it's not a great time and all and Johnathan is coming back today but"

She taps my leg and gives me a soft look. My breath hitches as we retain eye contact. "I don't think me and Johnathan are going to work out" she says calmly.

We've pulled up outside of my house now, I swing the car door open and swiftly get out. "Oh" I mumble fiddling with my keys "why?"

"I'm having some second thoughts about who I am and what I want" she shrugs still looking at me as she exists her car.

"Second thoughts what do you mean?"

"I think I'm fed up of boy drama" she half chuckles.

She isn't insinuating what I think she is? Right?

No. Maybe. Whatever I told myself I was going to confess after nearly dying so I'm going to confess.

"Nance" I whisper as though the words were heavy in my throat "I like you"


No oh god I've fucked it all up. Why why why-

"I like you too, Robin"

I can't believe what I just heard. I stand there with my arms pinned to my sides. My mouth hangs open for a couple of seconds before closing only to open again and I'm sure I look like a fish.

The shorter girl just giggles at my reaction before leaning up and pressing a gentle, slow kiss to my lips. Without even realising I return it so delicately I could swear it wasn't even happening. That is until my hands travel to the front door keyhole and I unlock it briefly breaking contact. When I step through the door and turn to face Nancy she pounces on me and I hold her waist dropping all my belongings.

She kicks the door closed behind her and we barley register the fact she's never even been in my house as I lead her up the stairs. Luckily my parents had gone down to the school to help out so I didn't have to worry about interruptions.

"I can't believe this is happening" I croak when we reach my bedroom.

"Me neither I thought you were totally into Steve" she murmurs.

I recoil "no way I thought you were totally into Steve!"

We both laugh and fall onto my bed. She looks around and surveys my decor. "The Beatles posters and... Queen"

I sit upright nodding "no Tom Cruise I'm afraid"

She punches my arm playfully. "Robin"

"Nancy" I mimick her tone and earn a pout from her perfect lips.

"Oh shit I have to break up with him" she groans.

Dammit. Men ruin everything.

"Yeah you probably should..."

She huffs and straightens her shirt with her palms "I really want to stay but I'm afraid we'll do something..." She pauses and I know exactly what she means.

I suck in a sharp breath at the thought. "Uhm" I stutter nervously.

"No it's okay I ...want to but I can't do that to Johnathan, he's been good to me and it's wrong. Just give me a day to end things" she pleas.

My heart both soars and sinks. What if she goes back to him and we pretend this never happened? No, Nancy doesn't lie. "Okay" I agree shakily.

She stands up to leave brushing an airy light kiss to my temple on the way. One day and I could have the girl of my dreams.

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