chappie 3: Meet Nathan, my brother

Start from the beginning

"Reply now or I'll throw the phone away, the jerk has infuriated me lot. Come back as soon as you can. I miss you" I typed in and sent the message to Edward.

A minute passed and he didn't I did exactly what I said.

I clutched my phone tightly in my hands for a moment and then threw it on the bed.

You'll see me doing this very often because people successfully manage to agitate me to a high level. As a result, all my anger gets directed towards my poor phone. Though I say sorry each time I bestow my wraths upon it, I still don't think I'll be ever forgiven for doing it shamelessly and repeatedly. Earlier my phone used to punish me and stop working for a few hours or something but then I guess, it just got used to my throwing fits and was now taking it sportingly. My brave little precious phone.

Not knowing what else to do, I re-applied my lip gloss and tied my hair in a messy braid which was my favourite casual look.

I started thinking about my relationship with Nathan. I don't know what went wrong between us. I mean, we used to be perfect fun loving siblings playing pranks together at one another and also on others. But somehow, somewhere, I lost my playful brother and found John taking up the brotherly act for me. John and me were close since then but never referred each other as brother or sister. The result is clear in front of you--- the hideous accusations about our relationship. Duh!

I brushed off those thoughts and went over to my desk and picked up my i-pod. I played the Justin Bieber playlist and started singing along ad swaying to myself. I got into the mood and started losing myself. I started thinking about John's wedding and the plans I needed to make. I definitely wanted to meet Jessica, in a much sober manner this time.

Oh, I forgot to tell what happened the other day when I was indirectly kicked out of John's house. Well I never returned with the food and movie. Though I knew they owed me big time as I had done them a favour. I can't really say they missed me or were even concerned as they never called up to ask about my whereabouts. Obviously, they were too "busy" and "pre-occupied" with themselves to mind my absence.

I don't remember how long I was dancing when I heard my name over the song. I was busy thinking so I didn't give it a much thought until I turned towards the door, still dancing.

I froze.

I saw my big brother standing near the door frame with an angry angry...nah... Furious blue eyes. He had a deadly frown on his face. He looked intimidating with his back brushed dark hair and height advantage.

Oh boy! Elena, this must be the last moment of your life. And your death comes by the hands of your own brother" I thought.

It must be karma time for me. All those times of throwing the phone and smiling sweetly at Mrs Philips (our neighbour) while cursing her under the breath. All those were coming back at me now.

"Do you plan to waste my time, little sis or blame me later for being late to that party," he said bitterly.

"I didn't know you arrived" I replied quickly.

"Of course. How will you know? When you are busy dancing like a fool all by yourself," he spat.

I know you must be wondering how come Nathan, such a jerk be such a sweet girl-Elena's brother. Don't ask me how such a disaster happened. I believe he got exchanged at the hospital at birth. But he wasn't this bad always.

"Hey what is your problem, bro? Why so much hatred?" I asked. I couldn't take this bitter attitude anymore.

He didn't seem to be affected but just turned away.

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