He's Back~ H.P.

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a/n~ This one was requested! So Voldemort had returned, Cedric is dead and Harry is distraught. You're the only one who can calm him down and comfort him. I hope this lives up to your expectations lol. I hope you enjoy! I love you all😚

   We're all sitting in the great hall for dinner, Hufflepuff banners line the ceiling in honor of Cedric. It's been a few nights since it's happened. The tasks are over, Harry's won, Cedric's died, and You-Know-Who is back. Harry hadn't been the same at all since that night. I don't blame him. He watched the person who tried to kill him as a baby, kill his friend. Harry is obviously distraught and you can tell on his face. We're all unnerved and worried.

   I'm sat next to Harry at the Griffindor table and he's not eating. "Harry eat." Hermonie says. "I'm not hungry." Harry responds. "Harry you must eat something." I chime in. "I'm really not hungry." He insists. "You haven't eaten all day." Ron says. "You know what, I'll see you guys later." Harry breaks and stands up. "Wait Harry, please stay." Hermonie says to no use. "Let him be for a while." Ron pipes up, mouth full of food.

   "What's wrong with Potter?" Malfoy laughs from the next table over. "Shut it Malfoy." I say angrily. "Drop it Y/n." Hermonie says. I sigh and look around for Harry. "He's left Y/n. Honestly he just needs time." Ron insists. "Something isn't right." Hermonie mumbles. "Of course something isn't right. He's back, Cedric is dead, and Harry watched it all happen." I say. "I'm going to find him." I put my napkin on the table and stand up. "We'll come with you." Hermonie says and stands up, Ron following hesitatingly.

   The three of us split up each going a different way to search the whole school and its grounds. Ron goes upstairs to the common room and dormitory. Hermonie goes all around the bottom floors of the school. I go outside to search the grounds. "Harry?" I call out into the chill air. No response. "Guess I'll try the black lake." I mumble. I walk to the lake, no sign. The quidditch pitch, nothing. The stadium where the first task was held, nope. The bridge, no. Outside the entrance hall, nobody.

   "Y/n! Ron's found him." Hermonie runs to me. "Where?" I ask following her. "The stairs but he went to the common room as soon as Ron called out to him." She explains. I nod and we walk to the common room together. I say the password and we walk in. Harry is on the couch staring into the fire, Ron's at the table all the way across the room. Hermonie and I both look at each other confused and walk to Ron.

   "He won't talk. I've tried everything. Hermonie you try." Ron says. She nods and walks over to Harry. "I don't need you help!" He yells at us and storms upstairs. "Well that went well." Hermonie says sighing and leaning back into the couch. Ron and I both sit down by her. "Y/n why don't you give it a try, he always comes around for you." Hermonie says. "Suppose we should've let her try first. She knows how to do it the best. After all she is his girlfriend." Ron says defeated. "Let's let him cool off a bit. I will but he needs time before we push him more." I say and they both agree.

   Eventually everyone comes back from dinner and the rest of the Weasley's sit down with us. "How's Harry?" Ginny asks. "Let's just say he's not in the mood to talk." Hermonie says. "Poor Potter. Must be terrified." Fred replies. "Terrified? I imagine worse. Scared for his life probably. Doesn't want to end up like Ced." George says. "Let's not talk about Cedric right now." I say, getting a bit teary eyed. "I suppose I should try and talk to him now." I say and stand up.

   "Good luck, you'll need it." Ron smiles sympathetically. I walk up to the boys dormitory and knock before walking in. "Harry?" I ask before opening the door all the way. "What?" He sniffles. I open the door and walk in to see him with his head in his hands. "Oh Harry." I whisper and walk over to him. "Harry I'm so sorry." I say. He looks up at me with red puffy eyes. "Have you been crying all this time?" I ask him. Harry just nods.

   "Come here." I say and guide his head to rest on my stomach since he's sitting and I'm standing. His arms go around my waist and sobs leave his mouth. "Harry I need you to calm down some." I say, rubbing his back. His breathing is uneven and shaky. He sounds like he's having a panic attack. "Harry look at me." I urgently whisper. He does and I cup his face. "Breathe Harry, I need you to breathe. Look, follow me." I say and begin to breathe in and out slowly, Harry follows me the best he can.

   "That's it. Keep breathing like that. We'll be okay. We have each other. I'm here for you." I smile. I kneel down in front of him and take his hands in mine. "We'll be okay. You've defeated him before, when you couldn't even talk." I reassure him the best I can. "He can touch me now Y/n. He couldn't touch me before but he can now. He's back to his full strength. You're not safe, I'm not safe, nobody is safe." Harry cries.

   "As long as Dumbledore is around we're okay. He fears Dumbledore." I try and soothe him. "You don't understand." He sighs. "Help me too Harry. I want to be here for you." I reply. "I'm scared for you. I'm scared for me. I've been having nightmares. All I can see is Cedric's face illuminating in green light. Me being stuck, helpless. Voldemort growing strength again. The deatheaters were there too. I can't sleep without having that same nightmare." He responds, explaining it to me. "I haven't slept at all." He whispers.

   I sit on his bed next to him and take his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. He rests his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for storming out of dinner and yelling at you, Hermonie and Ron in the common room. It's just a lot." He apologizes. "Harry no, you don't have to be sorry." I say. I reach my hand up, the one that's not holding his hand and play with his hair.

   I lay down and pat the spot next to me. "Maybe you'll sleep better with me. That way you're not alone." I say and Harry lays down next to me. We cuddle up together on the tiny bed. Ron walks in the room and Harry apologizes to him as well. "If I would've know all I had to do was get Y/n I would've done that for all our arguments." Ron smiles causing Harry to as well. "There's the smile." I whisper. I sit up and pull the red curtains closed of the bed and cuddle back up with Harry.

   His head rests on my chest and his arms are around my waist. "Thank you angel, for today. You helped a lot. I love you." He says while kissing my jawline gently. "You don't have to thank me Harry. I love you too." I say and peck his lips quickly. "Goodnight darling." He says and closes his eyes. "Goodnight love." I whisper back.

   Harry sleeps through the whole night. I know this because I wake up every hour to make sure he's okay and not having that nightmare again. In the morning when we wake up he has the biggest smile on his face. "What?" I laugh. "You must have the magic touch." He says and kisses me lightly before we get up and ready for breakfast.

word count: 1341

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