Prologue: A Different Snowflake

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*At the Snow Palace over 20 years ago*

*a wedding is taking place between a woman with winter themed clothing and a man in a white tuxedo*

*the man and woman have members of family and friends in attendance*

*in the center is an older woman with cold icy eyes and a winter themed dress and cloak and had pale blonde hair with a snowy aura around her*

Previous Snow Queen- *solemn* We are gathered here today to witness the union between my daughter, Frost Queen and...*glances at the groom* her lover.

*Frost looks onward  solemnly*

*Future Snow King smiles at Frost*

Previous Snow Queen- *solemn* Now before we wed these two is there any...and I mean any objections to these two being wed.

*a few hands go up those being The Evil Queen, The Dark Fairy, The Sea Witch, their parents and even The Snow Queen*

Frost- *sighs* Mother...

Future Snow King- *looks down quietly*

Previous Snow Queen- *annoyed* Fine. It doesn't matter, when you fulfill your destiny as the next Snow Queen, he won't matter to your story in the long run. *sighs* Now if there are no objections...

*the villains put their hands down while frowning*

Previous Snow Queen- *glares at the Future Snow King* Do you take my daughter, heir to the Snow Kingdom, and the next Snow Queen to be your wife?

Future Snow King- *nods nervously* I do...

Previous Snow Queen- *scoffs* Pitiful. *turns to Frost* And to you, my frigid darling you take this man to be your husband...and commit to your role as the next Snow Queen.

Frost Queen- *nods and looks at the Future Snow King with a sincere smile* I do...

Previous Snow Queen- *announces* Then by the power vested in me-

Frost Queen- *serious* Mother, I have something to say...

Previous Snow Queen- *solemn* *looks at Frost* Yes, dear.

Frost- *sincerely to the Future Snow King* I love you and I promise to always be by your side as the Snow Queen...

Previous Snow Queen- *rolls eyes in annoyance*

Future Snow King- *sincerely smiles*

Frost- *sincerely* With you as the Snow King...*serious* Permanently.

*everyone looks at Frost in confusion*

*Frost steps back*

Future Snow King- *confused*

Previous Snow Queen- *arches eyebrow* Daughter, what is the meaning of this...if you wish to call off the marriage, I'm more than happy to oblige.

Frost- *looks at her mother with tears in her eyes* That's not the thing I'm calling off...*she activates her winter magic which causes her to glow in an icy blue aura with snow falling*

*everyone looks in shock*

Previous Snow Queen- *glares* What are you doing?

Frost- *serious* Changing my destiny...*whispers some words*

*her snow and ice magic pours out of her bathing the room in cold air and snow*

Previous Snow Queen-*with her eyes glowing* STOP!!!

*the Snow Palace gets engulfed in blue light*

*present day*

Snow Queen- *looking out on the balcony and holds out her hand* *makes a light snow flurry*

*the Snow King comes out holding an ice scepter with an orb of winter magic power in it* 

Snow King- *holds the Snow Queen and nuzzles her warmly*

Snow Queen- *nuzzles him back but looks at the scepter in concern*

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