40 || The party

Mulai dari awal

"Very good. You know well that your uncle and Appa didn't mean any of those words, right?", I asked him and he nodded. "I know. Kookoo you can go back to the party. I'll be with them back in my room later when Uncle Hobi comes back.", he reassured.

I hesitated and so I decided to wait for Hoseok as well. A few minutes later, he came back with water and removed the tape from Jihyun first. He force fed the water to both Jihyun and Jimin and I just grimaced at the sight.

"Don't ever do that to anybody else.", I warned Joocheol. I carried Jimin to Joocheol's room while Hobi and Joocheol helped Jihyun walk. Jimin was passed out and Jihyun was humming a song drunkly.

Hoseok handed an empty ice bucket to Joocheol. "You, big baby. If one of them showed signs of vomiting, place this before them and then go dump it in the toilet after. Understood?", Hoseok gave clear instructions to my son like a soldier.

"Sir, yes Sir!", my son complied with a salute sign. Hobi dragged me back to the party to entertain the guests. I'm still worried, can I really entrust both adults to a four year old genius? Probably, yes.

Moving on with the whole party until the fireworks display which indicated the end of the party, most of the guests went home. The ones who passed out due to being too drunk were escorted to the prepared guests rooms.

They were fairly full while I had adviced Yoongi to take Hoseok to a private guest room beside his father's room. It was supposed to be Jihyun's, but he was sleeping in my son's room.

Hoseok was drop drunk as well. I went to my son's room to find that the house staff has cleaned Jihyun because he is in hotel grade pajamas. "He threw up on himself.", Joocheol explained and I nodded. Meanwhile, Jimin was sleeping peacefully on the room's couch.

"Thank you for taking care of them. Love you, good night.", I whispered to my son and pecked his forehead. He snuggled up to his uncle Jihyun and said goodnight to me while I carried Jimin out of his room.

I brought Jimin with me so I could clean him up first before we went to bed. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. He doesn't look like he just went on shouting that his brother was a slut earlier because he was too drunk.

I chuckled at the thought and went on to sleep. The next morning, the house wasn't as loud as I thought it would be because of all the extra people in the house. Surely enough, no one would want to wake up for breakfast after drinking too much the night before.

"Ugh! My head!", Jimin winched as soon as he woke up. "Wait! Imma get something.", I ran out of the room and hastily reached for the kitchen. The medicine was already in my room but I didn't have available drinking water for him.

"Here.", I gave him the water and medicine. "Thanks.", his fast is still frowning from his hangover. "Why did I drink too much?", he asked me and I don't have an answer to that.  "You should ask the one you drank with.", I suggested.

I helped him stand up so we could head to the kitchen and see what we could eat. On our way there, he gasped in horror from behind me and I was too alert so I jumped. "What?! What is it?", I asked him immediately while in combat stance.

"My face... it's so puffy.", he pouted like a little kid while squeezing his own face. I sighed in relief as I noticed the mirror by the lavatory he was looking at. Our eyes met breifly through the mirror but he cutely won't stop whining about it.

"It's fine... You're actually more adorable this way.", I teased and he pushed me playfully. We ended up teasing each other as if we're teenage kids in a disney series. We reached the dining hall and we were immediately served hangover breakfast food.

"Hmm~! This is exactly what my taste buds are looking for.", Jimin thanks the head cook. Uncle Min came in and we invited him to join us for breakfast. "I believe that I haven't introduced you two properly yet. This is Uncle Min, Dad Jaehan's most loyal friend and secretary. He is also Yoongi hyung's father.", I introduced them and Jimin stood up a bit to bow properly out of respect.

"Pleased to meet you sir... I've seen you around here and only heard stories about you, but we haven't had a chance to converse. I'm Park Jimin.", Jimin introduced himself and just like Yoongi hyung- wait scratch that!

If Yoongi hyung often has this expressionless face even when he's delighted; then Uncle Min is way worse. I used to be awfully scared of him as a kid because he always seemed as if he was in a foul mood. His voice is also strong and demanding and his choice of blunt words will always slap you in the face.

"Don't misunderstand, Uncle Min really likes you.", I reassured Jimin in case he felt the same as I did when I first met him. "I know. Hobi hyung has told me about how Uncle Min is the sweetest.", Jimin told me and although Uncle Min was keeping himself quiet, his ears still turned red after hearing how Hobi outed him to Jimin.

About an hour later, the extra guests were woken up by the staff so they could all eat their breakfast in one batch. The routine in here is to get them what they need like something similar to a hotel VIP guest. Dad who was the host of the party; greeted them all and instructed how they could get home safely. He also asked them if they needed anything like medical assistance before leaving.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's how rich-rich people host their party. As if it was some sort of military practice, the maids, keepers, and head butlers lined up after all the extra guests has left before lunch time. The cleaning started last night, but today is a massive general cleaning. Jihyun and Hobi woke up at the same time and were seemingly amused by the house staffs' precise clearing operation.

In the end, me and Jimin had to sit down to eat once again as an early lunch for everyone else's breakfast. While eating, Pops opened up a topic he shouldn't have. "So, when's the wedding?", he asked while gesturing towards Yoongi hyung and Hobi. The news wasn't out yet with everyone else. Uncle Min didn't even know.

Uncle Min wasn't eating with us because he was still full but he happened to coincidentally pass by the dinning area and heard it. "Jungkook is already getting remarried?", Uncle Min asked in surprise. I guess he heard it but didn't see who was my father referring to. 

I was about to save Yoongi hyung, but Pops was faster. "No, silly. Your son is getting married." Dad Jaehan gasped as he also didn't know. I could only gulp in suspense as the tension slowly filled the air. "What's up with that face? You didn't know?!", Pops gasped in terror and immediately looked at the couple apologetically. 

"When will you tell me?", Uncle Min sat down on one of the chairs near the couple in hot seat. "Remember how we're supposed to go dinner out in two days for your birthday?", Yoongi hyung didn't go straight to the point. "The news was supposed to be a birthday gift.", Hoseok added softly. 

"Oh no, dear. I'm really sorry.", this is where I clearly see where I got that character of failing to keep things to myself. It runs in our family up to my son. "So, it's true? Hoseok is going to be my son too?", Uncle Min asked optimistically. 

Everyone except Dad Jaehan and Hoseok looked surprised by Uncle Min's genuine facial expression. In fact, I was so moved by the way he reacted to soon having Hobi as his son that I started tearing up before he did.

Suddenly, I imagined how my own parents would've react the same when I finally proposed to Jimin. They'd be so happy to the point that they'd be more excited than we are. I could only imagine for now... but someday for sure.

I looked at Jimin and to my surprise.. He kinda looked traumatized while looking at Uncle Min. I also caught Jihyun in the corner of my eyes looking the same way. Why? What happened? It's creepy that I'm the only one seeing this behavior of both brothers.

Author-nim: Heya guys I've been sick for two days now but I finished this chapter because I feel lonely. I hope you like it ^u^


UPLOADER: Hello there! This is Jane and I'm his younger sister. The one who uploaded the news was our eldest sister Ate Jean. I don't think we will ever stop grieving at this point, but I decided to upload the last chapter he finished before he passed. I didn't change anything on this one and just added this. I would also like to announce that I will try to continue the story. Just give me time to read it and think of a plot. :) Thank you for your condolences.

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