Chapter 11

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"Hello everyone!!! Quick Note: I am currently trying to organize this years Huntmira Week. It's going to be from September 4th to September 10th. If you have any ideas for prompts leave a comment with your idea. It would really help a lot!"

Since her father had taken Hunter away Emira was left alone in her room with her thoughts. She wanted to figure out what in the world her father wanted to speak to Hunter about. Her relationship with her father wasn't great. Not that her relationship with her mother was any better but at least her mother would take time to try and buy her affection. Her dad on the other hand barely even said a word to her. So it didn't make sense that he would want to talk to her boyfriend.

"Mom had mentioned that dad had read a book on how to act around Hunter. Who knows maybe he did want to scare Hunter a bit for my sake? What do you think?" she asked Flapjack who was still sitting on the bed. The little bird shook his head as I sign that he didn't know either.

"Was he really giving Hunter the talk?" Somehow Emira couldn't imagine her dad caring enough about her to give someone a speech on how to treat his daughter. "Nah there's no way. Maybe if it were Amity instead of me..."

Right as she said that that the door to her room opened once again revealing Hunter on the other side. She hadn't expected him back so soon. It had only been a couple of minutes. Part of her felt relieved that it hadn't taken long as meant her dad hadn't had time to mess up her relationship.

"Hey is everything okay? What happened?" she asked rushing over to him. His face was completely red and he looked really uncomfortable. Had dad really given him the talk?

Hunter pulled himself together trying to forget that Alador had seen him kiss his daughter and tried focusing on his request. "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just..." he said looking unsure of how to explain what happened. "Do your parents have any enemies?"

Emira was taken aback by the question. What in the world had dad said to Hunter? Looking at Hunter now she saw he had a concerned expression on his face. Whatever her dad had said had made Hunter worry.

"Well yeah," she answered hesitantly. As much as she didn't want Hunter to worry she also didn't want to lie to him. Especially not over something like this. "My parents weren't born to money, they built Blight Industries from the ground up."

"I don't understand," replied Hunter looking at her confused.

"Well in order to get to the top they had to step on some people along the way. In their case a lot of people. So yeah my parents have a lot of enemies."

"Wow, uh do you know of anyone that would try to hurt you guys?" asked Hunter intently.

"Hurt us? I don't know about that but I mean they can surely try," she replied casually. Seeing Hunter's expression of horror she quickly added. "Blight Industries focuses on home security and weaponry. My parents keep the best inventions for themselves and have a failsafe so that none of their products can be used against them. Blight Manor is actually a fortified fortress rivaling the emperor's castle. I mean honestly, the only way we would be in any real danger is if the emperor himself decided to attack us."

"Oh I guess that explains it," he replied looking a bit guilty. "Your dad asked me to promise I would take care of you and your siblings if something were to happen to him and your mom. I guess learning that the emperor had seen them as a threat really rattled them...sorry."

Emira took a moment to take in what Hunter had just said. She honestly couldn't tell if her parents were actually worried or if they were up to something. It would make sense that they were scared but not so much that they would tell Hunter. They would see that as revealing a weakness to the enemy. Unless they weren't lying when they said they saw Hunter as family. Then again it had only been her father who had approached Hunter but her mother could have asked him to do it after what happened during dinner.

Emira let out a long sigh wondering if other kids had to jump through so many mental hoops just to try and figure out if their parents had any ulterior motives. "There's nothing for you to be sorry for besides I'm sure they are fine. They are probably trying to manipulate you in some way. Just don't let your guard down around them."

Hunter was surprised by Emira's words "You don't think he was honestly asking I take care of you guys?"

"Honestly? No, I can't remember a time when he ever showed any interest in us. Especially Ed and me. His main priority has always been his inventions and the company. He only recently started taking interest in Amity when she began excelling in abomination magic. I mean he didn't even help her get better. Ed and I were the ones that helped with her training. So no I can't believe that my dad would do anything to look out for us."

The way she said all this gave Hunter the impression that she was just stating facts. There was no sign of anger or sadness. It was as if she had accepted that this was just how things were.

"I'm not sure that's true," he replied weighing his words carefully when he saw Emira's face of contempt. "What I mean is that at least today he acted the way I would assume a father would. He tried to intimidate his daughter's boyfriend, he asked that same boyfriend to look after his daughter, and uhh he um wants us to keep the door open when we are alone together."

Hunter's face went completely red from embarrassment as he remembered Alador had walked in on them making out.

"I guess so but I can't trust him. I can't trust either of them," she said looking down. Then she lifted her face again and with a big smile asked "Did he seriously ask you to keep the door open?"

"Um yeah," replied Hunter, rubbing the back of his head and trying to avoid eye contact with Emira. "I'm pretty sure he saw us kissing and he didn't like it."

Emira let out a laugh, taking Hunter by surprise. She never thought that something like that would bother her dad. And the fact that he felt compelled to talk to Hunter about it was great. She decided to make a mental note to tell Ed later. For now, it would be best for her and Hunter to get out of the house. Being there was just too much trouble and Hunter had already been through enough with her family.

"Sorry, that's just funny to me. Come on we should go," she said, taking Hunter's hand and pulling him behind her as she ran out of her bedroom.

"Huh? What? Where are we going?" asked Hunter, letting himself get dragged away by Emira.

"We are going out on a date," she replied happily, pulling him behind her.

"Oh okay," said Hunter confused. He didn't understand what was going on but it didn't matter to him. Emira was happy and as long as he could spend more time with her he didn't care where she would take him. He also wanted to get as far away from Blight Manor as he could.

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