Meeting The Family

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“Soooo what's their name?” Said Edric nonchalantly as he and Emira made their way home from school.

“Huh? Who's name?” Responded, Emira puzzled as she continued walking next to her brother.

“Oh you know the mysterious individual you've been seeing in secret?” 

Emira feigned ignorance as she continued walking "What makes you think I've been seeing someone?" 

*gasp* “I'm hurt, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't notice that my only twin is so obviously in love?” said Edric as he held his chest in an exaggerated gesture. All while recalling the conversation he had the previous night with their younger sister Amity, who was the one to point out that Emira had been acting differently lately and suggested she might be seeing someone in secret. 

“...Right,” said Emira who knew the only way Ed had noticed was if someone had pointed it out to him. “So what’s their name?” pressured Edric. 

*sigh* “There’s no way you’re going to let this go, is there?” responded Emira hesitantly knowing that Edric loved gossip and there was no way he would be able to move past this. 

“Nope,” grinned Edric, who was dying to know more about his sister's secret. 

“Fine, ...his name is Hunter and we’re not...” Emira winced before finishing her statement as Edric let out an excited squeal. He had not been fully convinced that there was someone Emira liked but getting confirmation that there was filled him with even more excitement and curiosity.

“You have a secret boyfriend! Does he go to our school? How did you two meet? When did you meet? When can I meet him? Why hadn't you told me about him before?”  questioned Edric as he blocked his sister’s path unable to contain his excitement. 

“Calm down Ed,” said Emira as she casually stepped past her brother. “Like I was trying to say we aren’t dating. No, he doesn't go to our school and we met at the library that day you went out on your date. I’m not sure when you can meet him. And I hadn’t told you because there’s nothing to tell.”  

Edric took in the information before going after his sister. “Alright I got you I’ll be your wingman don’t worry Em this guy won’t know what hit him.” 

“You don’t have to do that Ed...You’re not actually going to try to hit him are you?” questioned Emira as she was unsure of her brother’s plans. 

“No it’s ok don’t worry besides you helped me find someone so I’ll be returning the favor. And since you said you two aren’t dating then it’s perfectly ok if I tag along on one of your meetups right?” Smiled Edric. 

“I don’t know about that Ed...” mused Emira as she thought about how Hunter would react to Edric tagging along plus she kind of liked having something she did not have to share with Ed. 

"Ok ok don’t worry about it," said Edric “You don’t have to invite me to your secret meetup spot. How about you invite him to go to the carnival with us?” Emira considered this. She had been planning on asking Hunter to hang out with her outside of the library. He could definitely use the distraction and having Edric around might help Hunter come out of his shell a bit.  "Ok sure why not, what's the worst that could happen?"

“This is a waste of time. I could be doing some research or training.” Grumbled Hunter to himself as he waited for the twins to arrive. He had protested against coming but ultimately Emira always got her way. 

It had been several weeks now since they had first met at the library. Since then the two had become close and would have frequent meetups at the library where Emira would help him with research.  Although most of the time they would just spend their time together talking about their days or of nothing at all. They could just be sitting there next to each other without saying a word and that would be enough to make a bad day a whole lot better. Before Hunter had realized it these meetups had become something that he really looked forward to each week. 

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