× Virtual Reality ×

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"Look Taehyung. Process how this man stimulates this woman's clitoris with his tongue." Jimin points at a picture of a man giving oral sex to a woman.

Taehyung's eyes flash green and blue, his cybernetic mind processing the graphic visual before him.

"But Jimin, why must we learn about female stimulation when we never engage sexually with women?" Taehyung asks.

"It's always good to know, in case we need to sexually stimulate a female."

"But who will we need to sexually stimulate?" The bigger android asks, mildly curious.

Jimin rubs his chin on that thought, his eyes flashing green and blue as he comes up with various options.

"Perhaps Dr. Zero? She's a female." Jimin suggests.

Taehyung blinks. "I've offered my services to her, but she told me she was recovering from heartbreak."

Jimin frowns, understanding her heartbreak.

Then Taehyung gasps, an idea coming to mind. "What if we heal her heartbreak with sexual stimulation!"

Jimin cracks a smile, shaking his head at the idea. "We need her consent first, and if she already said no, then we must respect her decision."

Taehyung frowns, shoulders sagging in defeat as he looks down at the book.

"Here, let us continue with our studies." Jimin says as he turns the page to the next, this time it's a picture of two men engaging in oral sex.

This has been their daily routine for six months. Every day as promised, Jimin would come over to Dr. Zero's home to hang out with Taehyung. He'd bring books he borrowed (to be honest, he stole them) from Namjoon's job and read them to Taehyung.

The books varied from fantasy to horror and mystery, love and romance.

And the best of them all, porn.

All of these books are spread out across Taehyung's bed, some opened, some closed, and tossed aside to be read later.

If it's not Jimin, then it's Jungkook who comes over and visits Taehyung. The android and the human would play on Jungkook's Playstation for hours, both bickering and laughing at whatever game Jungkook chose.

Jin would come over as well and bring food for Dr. Zero and Jungkook. He'd join his human and Taehyung with the games, but Jungkook and Jin are too competitive against each other and end up bickering like siblings.

The company of a friend is more than enough for Taehyung, and he's been enjoying having his friends come over to hang out with him.

Just like this moment right now, with him and Jimin.

"Jimin, I already have male sexual stimulation positions downloaded into my system. I do not require further information on oral sex." Taehyung tells him while looking down at the picture of the two men doing 69 to each other.

"I like to read them anyways. It's always good to keep my systems up to date with sexual play." Jimin informs as he processes the picture into his system.

Taehyung frowns, not saying a word as he stares at the picture of the two men. "At least you have someone to practice these positions on." He mutters, looking away from the book. "I don't want to read anymore."

Jimin sets the book down and looks at Taehyung with a frown. His sensors pick up the emotion of sadness from Taehyung, and that triggers Jimin into hugging the android.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Taehyung still frowns but shrugs and nods. "It's okay Jimin. You're not at fault. I'm just...feeling sentimental again because I don't have a partner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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