Chapter 5: History Lesson

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We all got to Ben's house dropping our bikes where we stopped on the lawn. Ben immediately ran inside in a rush. As I got off my bike, I saw a woman stapling a paper to the pole on the corner. I couldn't see what it said, so I shrugged it off and started to head inside. Just as I got to the steps right next to Bill, I turned slightly to see Eddie fall while trying to get off his bike.

I laughed and Bill did too, realizing what I was laughing at.

"Oh, Screw you guys!" Eddie shouted at us as Bill and I ran inside, still quietly laughing.

I walked into Ben's room right behind Beverly; Bill behind me. My attention was instantly drawn to the things posted to the walls: various newspapers, photos, and maps.

Bill walked to a table in front of the window, I followed.

We could tell Richie and Eddie were walking in based on the loud conversation, Richie being the one talking. I rolled my eyes at them and turned back, walking with Bill to the table.

There were a bunch of slides laid out. Bill picked one up and held it toward the light to see it. I peeked over his shoulder, seeing that it looked like a map. It was titled, Old Derry.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wow!" I heard Richie exclaim.

"Cool, huh?" Ben asked

"No, no." Richie responded. "Nothing cool; nothing cool."

"Well, this is cool." Eddie relayed looking at an article.

"What's that?" Stan asked, pointing to a different article on the wall, with red markings. I walked over, examining it, along with everyone else.

"Oh, that?" Ben replied, "That's the charter for Derry Township."

"Nerd alert." Richie said. I smacked him on the head.

"No, actually, it's really interesting." Ben responded. "Derry started as a beaver trapping camp."

"Still is am I right, boys?" Richie announced. Everyone went silent and just stared at him, leaving him hanging from the high-five he was clearly looking for.

"Jesus Rich." I said rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry." Ben continued. "But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

"The entire camp?" Eddie asked.

"There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack." Ben said. "Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But it's like one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house." Ben finished.

I stared at the photo of the old well house as I remembered when I had spent some time in the library reading about it.

"Jesus, we could get Derry on UnSolved Mysteries." Richie said. Me and Ben heard the door creaking and we turned around to see Bev closing it. There was a poster on it, a poster of New Kids on the Block. I looked at Ben and he eyed Bev, getting her to close the door, Ben smiling at her, silently thanking her for hiding it again.

Bill and I went back to the table looking through the rest of the slides.

"Where was the well house?" Bill questioned, I nodded, also wanting to know.

"I don't know." Ben answered. "Somewhere in town, I guess. Why?

"Nothing." Bill said, looking over the posters of the missing children. I looked too, putting a hand on his shoulder.

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