Episode 3: Alice gets kidnapped (Viktor causes property damage)

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A/n: I watched Umbrella Academy and it slapped should I make a book about it anyway enjoy

A Legadonian agent has sneaked into the Degurechaff residence and snuck into Alice's room and took her

In the morning Viktor got out of bed went downstairs Visha was cooking and put a plate of pancakes bacon and eggs, made Tanya a cup of coffee and Viktor got a cup of Orange juice and drank it

Viktor: ahh nothing like a cup of Orange juice in the morning

Viktor sees Tanya walk downstairs in pajamas

Tanya: Good morning hey I have a question could you wake up your Sister

Viktor: Ok

Viktor goes upstairs to see if Alice is awake

Viktor: hello Alice wake up time to go to jai- I mean school


Viktor: Alice? Hello

He goes up to the bed and finds a note

Note: we have your daughter give up the Devil of the Rhine and her family or else the little girl gets it
-The Legadonian Entente Aliance

Viktor then drops his orange juice after reading the letter and looks down


He runs downstairs

Hey mom where's Legadonia

Viktor looks


Alice is tied up in a chair in a dark room

Alice: were am I

A man walks into the room

Sven: oh so your awake

Alice: why me

He took a seat across Alice he had a cold piercing gaze that scared Alice. Another man came into the room (looking like an Ugly Bastard hentai mc).

Loria: oh she looks adorable I'll have fun with her

Alice no!

Sven: Loria get out you'll have your fun later when the family arrives

Loria: alright I'll go get my toys

Alice is obviously scared

Sven: you obviously don't know anything. You will never see your family ever again


Military base- war room

Tanya: what do you mean we can't go

Rudersdorf: we're not saying you can't go we are saying you can't go right now we have to gather Enforcements

Visha: Tanya Viktor is gone, he spilled his orange juice and he was behind us a s

Tanya thinks about this morning and what happened she also goes down the hall and sees the Armory door open


Ryujo Senki Little witch academia x Youjo Senki(Chariot x OC) LWA AUWhere stories live. Discover now