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- june of 1985

"dude you just ate i am not giving you anymore food!" i say to sixx while he sitting next to his food bowl, meowing at me like he's been starving on the streets and never eaten a day in his little life. this cat is my world but he is the single most talkative cat i have ever been around. i'm home alone again today, as my dad has to start getting his store up and running sooner than later. it's just past one in the afternoon and i still haven't left my house for the day, so i figured i'd get ready and go explore again.

"what to wear, what to wear..." i think to myself while i rummage through my closet. "do i dress normal today or like an 'outsider' apparently according to dustin, sixx?"
he meows at me and walks out of my room. typical.
"alright, good talk!"
i decided on more of a hippie, girl next door type of look today. i swear my only two personalities are "save the earth!" and "fuck the government!" i do my hair and makeup, then grab the movies i rented yesterday so i can bring them back today. praying robin and steve are working. i end up giving sixx some treats because he's still meowing like a psycho and head to the door.
"jesus christ dude, i picked your name perfectly you truly are a mini nikki sixx with that attitude." he then starts walking towards the treat bag, so i head out before he can start begging me for more.

"well hello y/n," steve says right when i walk into family video, "looking beautiful this afternoon. i'm sure you look beautiful every afternoon but like, you look good!" he nervously finishes, trying to save himself from his, once again, failed flirting attempt.
"hi steve," i respond back and smile, "i'm here to return my movies today, not fall in love. maybe try again tomorrow we'll see what happens" i jokingly flirt back with him.
"oh shit, actually?" he asks while grabbing my movies. i laugh and shake my head, he does the same. thank god he realized i was joking, i would've felt horrible if he didn't.
"alright babe you're all set!" i smile, thank him and turn to head out.
"oh wait actually," steve starts, "dustin came in not too long ago asking if i've seen you. no clue what the little nerd wanted but he wanted me to let you know" he says and shrugs his shoulders.
"okayyy," i chuckle, "interesting. i'll keep an eye out for him, thank you!" i respond.
"robin isn't working today, but we should all three totally hang out sometime. as friends of course don't worry. but i think robin really needs some girl time and we get sick of each other constantly so it would be nice to add someone in the group" steve suggests, smiling about his last statement.
"yes i would love that! y'all are sweet and i obviously need some friends here. i think i was lucky to run into you guys."
"if you wanna stop in again sometime this week, we get our schedules tomorrow so we could plan something." he adds
"for sure," i smile, "just keep me posted, i'll see you around!" i wave goodbye and head out.

i walked around for a little bit, just checking out all the stores close by. this town really is really cute. i was looking for a place to get lunch when i noticed an arcade, and also noticed dustin standing outside with some other kids.
"hey dustin!" i smile and wave, walking towards the arcade.
"y/n! what's up?" he responds, waving back.
"not much i was just out exploring again and steve told me you wanted to see me?"
"don't be rude bro, introduce us to your new girlfriend." one of the boys with dustin says.
"okay first of all, me and susie dating should be a very well known thing at this point, so she is not my girlfriend. second of all, her name is y/n. i met her at family video yesterday." he explains.
"oh alright cool. well i'm mike and this is lucas!" the curly hair one introduces.
"it's nice to meet y'all!" i respond
"okay well anyway," dustin starts, "i was gonna tell you that-" he suddenly gets cut off.
"alright nerds here's your quarters but you owe me! i'll be back in like an hour i'm gonna set— jesus fucking christ hello."

suddenly the most attractive fucking person i've seen in my life locks eye contact with me. holy shit. gorgeous hair, the most captivating eyes, looks straight out of a hair band. i don't think i've ever felt the way i feel right now from just making eye contact with someone.
"hi." is all i can get out.
"goddamn it can you guys stop interrupting me! i was trying to tell her tha-" dustin gets cut off again.
"henderson. i love you man, but shut up for like two seconds," he puts his hand over dustin's mouth, "now go inside, play your games and i'll be back in about an hour. got it?" dustin rolls his eyes and walks inside with his friends.

"are you the new girl henderson was telling me about? said you were lookin' to get a hellfire shirt, but you look way too angelic to have a demon on your chest." he smiles, while looking me up and down. in his own words, jesus fucking christ.
i almost struggle to even get a word out, "uh, yea. i just moved here and met dustin yesterday. he got mad at me for not knowing what dungeons and dragons was, but i told him i'd learn if i got one of those shirts." i respond, pointing at his shirt when i realized he was wearing one as well.
"well, we're actually playing tonight if you wanna come over, i could teach you a thing or two" he says and smirks. is he flirting or do i just want him to be?
"uh, yea sure that should be fine! is your place close by? i don't have a bike or car here yet so i'll have to walk."
he pulls out a little scrap paper and pen from his pocket, "write down your address. i'll pick you up in, let's say two hours?" he smiles & hands me his pen and paper. i didn't think i could blush anymore than i already was but he just proved that wrong. i don't think either of us have stopped grinning since we met.
"that works perfectly for me." i say and hand him back the pen and paper. he puts them in his jacket pocket and hits it to make sure it doesn't fall out.
"i'll see you again soon then my dear" he says while tipping an imaginary hat. i giggle and wave goodbye.
"oh," he starts and turns around, "i'm eddie by the way. i think your beauty distracted me enough to forget to tell you that. but i'm eddie munson. proprietor of the hellfire club and maybe one day, the keeper of your heart. and you're y/n, right? henderson told me yesterday and said i'd like you. now i see why."
"yea it's y/n. very pleased to meet you mr. munson. it's been an honor." i say, smiling holding in my laugh while attempting to match his little medieval act he's putting on.
"an honor indeed." he grins and turns back around and walks away. i can hear a faint laugh coming from him as he walks.

"okay i'm officially joining that fucking cult tonight." i say to myself and go back home to change. i think tonight may be one of the best nights i'll ever have.

we met eddie yay!! i feel like this chapter lowkey has 'filler' vibes so sorry lol. i mean, it's a filler in a ~way~ but more so of an "okay this is how they met, now they can sooner fall in love!" ya know? whatever lol. pic is her fit if u want any inspo :) (actually, can someone let me know if my pics aren't showing up? they show up except for when i view as reader they're not there) like, follow, save this story, all that good stuff if u want <3 thank u guys for reading, it's so fun to be back on wattpad after all these years. i don't think i've ever written a y/n story before so hopefully it's alright so far. i just really like to make it feel as 'real as possible' like genuinely how i would feel/act in these situations lol, that's why it's not super in depth detail & better vocabulary. just a chill cute story about eddie :)

x @groovy-depp / kaylin

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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