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Marley had called me and when she said she needed to talk I was kinda nervous. Maybe she was gonna take Sasha back and she was gonna ask me was it a good idea. I was gonna tell her ass hell no, leave Sasha where she is at. I mean I knew Marley was done with her, she still won't barely speak if she sees Sasha. Sasha said she should get over it, but you broke the girl's heart. How can somebody get over the love they had for you, but you ain't have enough so you cheated. Sometimes I don't get Sasha it's like she's mad at the world. Six months ago when she caught Diego it's like she have attitudes and get in her moods. I leave her alone once she starts showing her true colors. Laila started coming around more after her disappearing act and I'm still tryna figure out what's going on with her. Lately she has been glowing and she seems very happy. Also she makes a lot more conversation with Marley. To me that seemed kinda odd but I just brushed it off. Maybe she finally got over her shyness because Marley was gonna be around. I just hope whatever Marley gotta let me know that it ain't bad. I hope it's not nothing that will hurt me or anybody I'm close to. I will still try to process it in a good way, but I don't wanna lose my friend behind it.

I hurried to finish to do what I gotta do so I can go see her and talk. I had all day to myself and I was anxious to know what was going on. I messaged her and told her I'll be there 25-30 minutes and she replied back with her. I got dressed and brushed my teeth and left and headed to Marley. She had moved out the neighborhood so I had to drive to her new spot. It was nicer than where she was at and I was proud of her. When I pulled up in the neighborhood I saw Laila pulling up at her house too. I quickly put two and two but that shit was adding up to 8. I parked behind her and looked at her like what you doing here. "Hey sis what you doing here", Laila asked kinda nervously. "Marley wanted me to be here to talk, I could ask you the same thing." She swallowed hard and just smiled a little bit and I knew then it was something. "What's going on, I need answers now", I demanded. She led me inside the house and Marley was seated on the couch. Laila went in and sat next to her while Marley's arm was extended out. Laila laid her head on Marley's chest and told her she got this. "What the fuck do she got Laila", I said. "Look on the day she was looking for y'all Laila came to my house asking where you and Sasha were.

"That was the night the girl from the club ex popped up on me and I was mad that night. I didn't want to be alone I wanted company so I asked Laila to have some wine with me. I didn't know we were going to have more than one glass. I wasn't letting Laila drive like that so she stayed and one thing led to another and we had sex. Laila said we shouldn't do it anymore and I agreed, but I couldn't help myself. The more I craved for her body the more I wanted to just confess how much I needed her. We have been having sex and dating for six months. I'm sorry we hid it from you for so long, but we didn't wanna hurt nobody. Laila is happy right here and she makes me happy, your sister Sasha could never do that for me." Taylor just sat there in awe and really she didn't say anything. She just got up and went to the kitchen and poured herself some wine. "I knew you liked Marley Laila, your sister ain't slow", Taylor said. "How are you gonna tell Sasha though, she's gonna be the only one mad." "Well we gonna tell her later and idc about her being mad Marley deserves happiness", Laila said. After she said that she kissed my lips to confirm to Taylor it was real. "I didn't want you to think this was for show."

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