Time Game

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After I followed those kids into the time portal, I landed on a tree. Gah... Not the most comfortable place, but, it could be worse. I cleaned my hair from the leaves that got caught up in it and started observing.

It was pretty boring, Merlin's apprentice, was named "Hisirdoux". Merlin didn't really loved that boy from the name he had. The kids got the trolls out of the dungeon, Morgana and Arthur we're two frustrated people. Calm down a little, will ya? Merlin was a total asshole and other things. Until the Killahead bridge battle.

I saw how humans and trolls fought together in the war. Dead humans and trolls, blood, bones, organs, I saw everything. The stone pieces from the fallen trolls, the spines and ribs rising above the grass and the blood that was painting the ground in a beautiful red color.

But then I opened my eyes wide in shock. Nari, Bellroc and Skrael jumped off a cliff in the middle of the fight. What the hell?

They never told me they fought in the Killahead bridge battle. I was somehow disappointed and surprised that they didn't say anything to me, but that wasn't important right now. The battle continues. From nowhere I saw a bright, light, red color. Lava. I quickly turn my head and I see Bellroc, with their plams on their face, and lava was pouring on the floor, from their eyes. Some idiot dared to hurt them? How dare they!

I was mad, but I could not intervene, because that would crash history, and I didn't want that, so I continued watching the fight. Gunmar being send to the Darklands. Good trolls and the humans were the winners of the battle, but Arthur died, and now Camelot didn't had a king. But that wasn't my problem.

Soon after, the children, and I, came back to the present.

I came back to the castle, and called after Bellroc and Skrael.

"What?" asked Skrael, confused. Probably Bellroc didn't tell him that I just went through time and space to spy on some old man they hated. "I came back!" I said, full of joy. "From where?" Skrael seemed more confused as he tilted his head, so I decided to take advantage of the situation. "From the past, middle of the 12th century, more exactly!" I said, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble for something so little. Who am I kidding?  "HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGED TO GO IN THE 12TH CENTURY?!". Skrael said, pointing with his staff at me, looking completely freaked out. Poor guy. I knew he was probably more worried about history itself than me, but he'll pay for it.

I chuckled and responded "Well, long story short. Bellroc send me to spy on Merlin and Nari, but Merlin's apprentice opened a time portal and I decided to follow them. " I explained as Skrael started to calm down after a few deep breaths and a cold stare glanced in my direction "You didn't screw up history, did you?" He asked.

"No. But your past self was ridiculous." I said jokingly,even thought he looked the same. "Oh shut up. Did you take a look at yourself, Y/n?" He said with a disgusted face, but I knew he was joking too. It was just the usual back-and-forth between the two of us.

But I was done. I've had LITTERALY flashbacks from WW1, WW2, the Black Death from mid-13th century, and much other. I was about to say something, but instead I cross my arms, with a pout on my face. I was trying not to laugh, but I was probably failing miserably at it.

Skrael sees my reaction, and he was probably trying to suppress his laughter as well. "What, did the rascal take offense in my words?" He said, but I could almost hear him giggle under his breath.

"Hmph. You have hurt my feelings." I say, trying to sound as serious and dramatic I could, and it somehow sounded good actually. I was a little proud of myself, to be honest.

"Blah, blah." Skrael mumbles to himself before hitting the back of my head with his staff, not hard to actually cause a bruise or any harm, but it still hurt a bit.

"AH." I groan, rubbing the back of my head where it made contact with the staff, but I finally break down laughing, not able to be serious anymore for a while. Skrael seemed proud of what he done as he walked away.

Hello my dear folks!!! I've came back with a happier chapter ✋🏻. I hope you like my book and my ideas!

Born from Death- { Fem!Reader} T R O L L H U N T E R SWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu