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Y/n's pov:

After the Killahead Bridge battle, all the blood from the field entered in the earth. From that blood, I was born.

The first things I saw, or should I say people. I saw a girl with green skin, her dress was made out of leaves and she had deer horns, a boy with very pale skin, he had a black robe and a skull on his head, and a person with grey skin, whit eyes in their shoulders and red hair.

As I grew older, I learned their names. The girl was named Nari, the skull boy was Skrael, and the last one was Bellroc. Nari always stayed by my side, like a mother, and the other two talked with me pretty much half of the time when I was a child.

While I was still a child, I loved humanity because the inventions they created, the diversity and their nature in general. Nari sometimes brought me pens, history books and paper. We would read the books together and she would tell me stories about the humans she met, how they take care of animals as "pets" and other amazing things.

Bellroc and Skrael didn't always agreed. Sometimes they would tell me about what horrible the humans did, but I didn't believe a word.

I grew up learning magic and training with my powers, and occasionally spying on humans, playing with animals in the forest and drawing with the pens and paper Nari brought me. Sometimes I would re-read one book because of boredom.

I learned how to use my magic efficiently and some tricks that I learned alone. Since I had much free time, I learned quite a few tricks... Well, they were more visual more than efficient. But, hey. They were still tricks, weren't they?

Sometimes I would watch Skrael practicing his magic too. And I must admit, it looked very pretty. The crystalline ice was entertaining to watch. But it was a total contrast from Bellroc's magic. They used fire magic, which always included fire and lava and high temperatures... Not really a fan of them, but they were beautiful as well. Nari always let me watch her bring little plants back to life, or help them bloom. But the pollen was making me sneeze, not a fan of that too.

HELLO MY FOLKS! I KNOW THIS IS SHORT BUT IT'S ONLY THE BACKSTORY. Please tell me in the comments if you liked the backstory. In this story Y/n will not fall in love with someone. It will be only Y/n and her story, life, etc...I hope you have a good day/night!!!

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