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Tiger for Rengoku

🐯- You found rengoku at a pet shop and adopted him. When he was in your arms he was belly uo and let you touch his belly.

🐯-When he was in your car he was fascinated. He looked at you and was like "OMG WE'RE GOING SO FAST!!!!"

🐯- When you got home and went inside he booked it to tanjiro and started nuzzling him. Needless to say if tanjiro was human he would've cried.

🐯- Rengoku ran around the house sniffing everything and then went into the kitchen.

🐯- He is a very affectionate Cat. Chin scratches and bum pats are his favorite

🐯-Has a lot of zoomies. Every hour you can hear him dashing through the house.

🐯- He loves going into the backyard and playing with the butterflies. Shinobu once smacked him cause he almost ate one.

🐯- He has a 6.5/10 in intelligence. Not smart but not dumb either. Okay maybe a little dumb

🐯- Very Adventurous. You once found him in the cupboard.

🐯- Always eating and you'll mix sweet potatoes into his food. (My cat eats sweet potatoes and he loves them. First time he ate them he finished in like 10 seconds)

🐯-You got him a sweet potato cat bed and he loves it.

🐯- He is a guard kitty. And he loves you

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