The languages of Spanish and Italian filled the hall.

As we see Alexis talking to a guest, he sees us and smiles.

"Isn't it my favorite unproblematic couple? The problematic ones are Francesco and Rosalía of course" he says.

Cassian chuckles.

"Are they here?" He asks Alexis.

He shakes his head.
"Not yet but soon, but please enjoy."

He walks off to do his usual hosting and we sit at a table.

I look at him as I grab his hand, caressing it. Assuring him that everything will be fine.

He immediately calms down and I smile at him. He brings my hand up to his lips and kiss it.

I smile as a server gives us drinks and I look round the crowd. I hardly come to anything but since we are kind of on the run, Spain was the best place to start off first.

I will miss Sicily of course and hopefully I can come back eventually.

As minutes go by, I see the same woman I have seen before. Rosalía, the wife of Francesco and she is stunning of course.

She looks very different now, it has been a few years now so I understand. Francesco always mentioned her even though they had their ups and down.

They separated cause of reasons and now Cassian says he is working on getting her back. Which I totally understand his determination.

She is close to Francesco and Cassian sees her.

"That is her.. Francesco did say Evaline will be here as well but I want to be cautious about this" Cassian says.

I nod.

"So she has no clue that Chase is her dad and about you?" I ask.

He shakes his head.
"She doesn't know.. Chase has written a letter that he wants her to read to tell her himself in case of anything. I am just here to meet the sister of my cousin, to know that once we leave here she is definitely in good hands. And I know with Francesco she is definitely safe".

I smile.
"I understand and the day you do tell her who you are and show her, she will be happy. Trust me, family makes everything better. She needs that right now, especially after everything".

He nods and kisses my hand again. As we observe the scene, we see a young girl being pulled by another young girl, walking towards Francesco and Rosalia, or Aura as Alexis says she likes to be called now.

I can definitely tell it is her because she has a bit of similar features to Cassian. I look at Cassian and I knew that he knew it was her. I hope he is more content with seeing her.

I hold his hand tightly and we see Rosalia be a little worried with the commotion. A few words were exchanged and I saw Evaline look at this guy. Rosalía seemed on edge by the interaction but then I could tell she was trying to separate Evaline and this guy. I couldn't see the guy as much as he was faced towards them and he was standing with two other women.

Cassian almost stood up, I know he wants to protect his family. That is all he wants but I stop him.

He looks at me and I shake my head. He sighs and nods. He sits back down and gets a whiskey from the server. Other people start to come to us mainly to interact with Cassian and talk business. Supposedly everyone here doesn't know Giovanni so they wouldn't notify the Morettis of our presence here.

As I keep looking at the commotion, I keep my eyes on Rosalía but on Evaline as well. Francesco ended up taking Evaline and the other young girl away from them and leaving. Francesco shoots a glance to us as he walks out with them and it assured us that he was handling it. We nod and we stay quiet, observing everyone there. Until I see Julio talking to Rosalía as he turned to her...what.. is he doing here?

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now