A Glimpse of the Other Side

Start from the beginning

They were looking at her, waiting for an answer

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They were looking at her, waiting for an answer. Suzie could translate for them, but Onryo didn't need to speak in Japanese to convey meaning. If they only understood words, then they'd never be able to speak to the Shape.

Some of the other killers watched their encounter. The Legion were troublemakers, nuisances, but even they had limits. Sadako was one of them. Due to her impeccable record, they never even dreamed of bothering her. That, however, had changed.

Jules leant down a bit, leering over the short Japanese woman. "I heard that it was... Izuku Midoriya that you lost. The newest one." Her sneer was grating. "You two are both from Japan... or so I hear... did you... maybe... fall for him? Did you, the tough Sadako Yamamura... get soft?"

The whole mineshaft became silent at the mentioning of gaining mercy. Everyone knew what Sadako was like, her introduction alone played in the back of their minds. A cocky group of survivors had been found with their limbs torn off and their faces twisted in an image of abject horror, while Suzie, the one tasked with hunting them, cowering in fear due to her sheer, supernatural power. While not something that would make any of them sick, in fact, one found the display quite palatable, and it certainly did make an entrance to the Fog.

And the Legion was picking a fight with that force of nature.

Suzie whispered quietly, "I don't think you should continue, Jules..."

The blonde snapped back, "I'll do what I want, Suzie

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The blonde snapped back, "I'll do what I want, Suzie."

The shy girl recoiled from the sudden anger, and walked back to where the Legion often dumped themselves, and curled into a ball. Rin Yamaoka had phased next to her, consoling the young girl. She was mostly innocent to all of this. Through a combination of peer pressure and teen angst, she was certainly not the most violent of them. Rin hated her situation too, but knew that this was all her life would be now. Suzie was well liked, for the most part. Respectful, kind, but did the job they were all expected to do. It didn't do Jules any favors to treat her supposed BFF like that.

Turning back to the situation, Sadako stood motionless. She could just demanifest... but decided that wouldn't be... fun. Raising her hands in a clutching motion, Jules raised into the air, choking on nothing. Frank pulled out a knife and immediately pointed it at her. "Let. Her. Go."
She waited a second before dropping the blonde psychopath onto the ground. In Japanese, Sadako spoke: "Just because one escapes my grasp now, does not mean they will again. You'd be wise to realize the difference between luck and mercy. You, like him, were lucky." She then demanifested and left for her well, passing through Frank on the way. Joey watched impassively. He really didn't care, but still acted like he did to keep Frank off his back. The Psycho couple had become much worse since coming to the fog, and he was, frankly, done with them both. He went and sat back down next to Suzie, helping Rin comfort the poor girl.

Kazan, watching over the whole situation, muttered to himself: "Those two are unbefitting warriors for this realm. They need to learn to let sleeping dragons lie and act of their station."

Caleb Quinn, a man of many talents, languages included, agreed with him as he opened a new bottle of whiskey from behind a designated bar. "You're damn right about that. Would you like a drink, Yamaoka?"

The American of Irish descent was careful to treat those with respect who he deemed worthy of it, whatever form that took for them

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The American of Irish descent was careful to treat those with respect who he deemed worthy of it, whatever form that took for them. In this case, it was referring to Kazan by his last name. A gesture the samurai appreciated.
He nodded, "Do you have any sake?"
The older bounty hunter nodded, "I believe we do." He pulled out a bottle of liquid, and poured it into a small glass, handing it to him. "I'm not sure of the potency, but if this whiskey's anything to go by, it'll kick like a mule."
Kazan then downed the short glass in one gulp, "If that is the case, then all the better."

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