The hammering sound of the rattling bike rumbled in all directions tagging the sound of it, I saw what just played on my mind earlier. I stop on my track and watch the subsequent scene, 

10, 9, 8... 

Emma keeps on talking to Takemichi. 

7, 6, 5... 

Takemichi noticed the rapid pace of the bike heading towards them. 

4, 3, 2, 1... 

Kisaki is an inch close to them as he perfectly swivels his baseball bat to Emma. I gander at the site where the three of them met. 

My mind stops working as my heart forgets to beat. It hit Emma, howbeit a random man pulled Emma's back before most of the impact damage her.

Kisaki didn't look back to check the man who help Emma on the same time a lot of civilians start to circle around the scene, where Emma was lying on the man's body who catch her. My attention has piqued by the light of my vibrating phone, Ran's name flashed. 

"[Y/N]! She's bleeding!" He stated, in a panic. 

"I already call the ambulance." I looked behind me and saw Rinrin, he look particularly uninterested. 

"Ohh, he did?" Ran asked on the other call, 

"Yes, brother, but is she bleeding a lot? I can not come any more closer." He let a grunt. 

"She is!" Rinrin snatched my phone from me, my eyes followed his wearied move, he rolled his eyes. 

"Ease off, Ran, I already call the ambulance, and the man that did the work knows how to handle the situation." He kept his tone flatly detached from what we just witnessed during an attempted murder. 

"Where's your brother and you could care a bit, y'know?" He shrugged his shoulder, 

"You'll succeed, there's no need to worry. Ran is watching from that building." He wisecracks, pointing to the near block tower to us, 

"She's bleeding." I riposte. 

"That's why I called the ambulance." Rindou heave a sigh, he shifted his hands on the back of his neck, scratching it. 

"Is this what you promise to Mikey?" He asked, I nod. 

"You sort the strategy, Kakucho give the work and We carry the plan, you let Kisaki hit her to not cause any doubt but Kisaki is sharp [Y/N]," 

"I know..." Voices coinciding, my eyes twisted on the scene the ambulance already arrived. 

"I'm using all my lifetimes' luck for this," I said small chuckles forming in my mouth, He tilts his head a bit adjusting the specs of his glasses he takes a gander at my back. 

"You should go with them [Y/N], Izana told us to notify you he'll just meet you later. Ran and I will meet you at the hospital, wait for us. It looks like she's in terrible condition." I divert my heed to where Emma is, Oh god. 

Takemichi was crying a lot as the paramedics take Emma to the ambulance. My muscles tense in pins and needles noting Takemichi's receptivity. 

Is Emma not breathing? No, it's possible she still received half of the impact. 

Did we fail? No, Oh my god, no. Interwoven by morbid thoughts my feet find their track to where Rindou's motorbike is. 

"Rinrin, lemme borrow your bike!" His eyes were mortified by what my mouth just spoke. 

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