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“He is a dangerous man. A promiscuous man. ”

I stared at my friend who’s been giving me a long explanation on how dangerous Izana is.

“But he didn’t harm me.” I proudly object.

She gives me a what the fuck? look, sighing heavily she holds my face pinching it side to side.

“Of course! Why would he harm his prey?! Did you see a lion on a hunt, which promptly kills his prey?! You didn’t! Because the king of the jungle fucking wait for the right time before he launches an attack! And Izana happens to be a King.” She exclaimed and act like she going to bite me, adding an exaggeration to her hypothesis.

“But… he’s not a lion…”

Her expression dropped from the highest level of exaggeration to the bottommost of disappointment.

“Ne, [Y/N] what did you sniff from the last days? Did you hit your head? Or may be fall off the stairs?” She shake me again, but I just smile at her.

“He may not be perfect but he didn’t cause me trouble, besides there’s nothing going on between us.” I said, removing her hands to my face.

“Nothing? ‘Going on us.’ Huh?! Izana isn’t a student at our school! But out of nowhere, he was walking around the corridors as if he owns it only to look for you! And you say it’s nothing?!” She overemphasizes again.

I sigh, okay that’s it.

“Enough. What we have is just a companionable relationship. I told you he didn’t harm me and if what you’re saying is true, then it is. Thank you for the warning but this is my call to be judged.” Completely snapping her opinion to my newfound friend.

She push me gently and lay down on the floor giving me a loud sigh.

“Fine! That’s what you want! But if he disappoints you, then be my guest and cry out loud because of your 'so-called friend'.” She get up on the floor and eyed me,

“Just be careful [Y/N] please.” She whispered but enough for me to hear.

I smile and join her on the ground.

“I will!”

I stared at my window when someone throw a rock at it only to find out Izana waving at me with his playful smile, his wearing a different uniform from ours, he really isn’t our schoolmate. My friend bid a good bye since her boyfriend is waiting for her.

I look back at Izana.

He gestures me to come down but I only raised my eyebrow at him, how the hell did he know my house? I stood there for a second, trying to think how I’ll communicate with him since my room is on the second floor of our home.

Till a light of idea popped in my head, I wave back at him and raised my hand trying to tell him to wait. He tilts his head and gives me a ‘What?’ look.

I raid my bag, getting some band paper and a black marker. Running back to the window I uplift the thing that I got.

His big plum orbs grow bigger as he gets what I’m saying. I scribble some words and lift it up. He squint his eyes as he tried to read my writings.

‘How did you know I lived here?’

He stared at me for a moment, he open his bag looking for stuff, using a graphing notebook and blue marker he start scribbling. He gazes at me again before he turn the notebook to me.

“I… Stalked… You…” I read.

Weird emotions start to compete against my heart. Fright, amusement, and alarmed.

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