Missing Musketeer #3

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I slowly open my eyes, I take in my surroundings. I lay on the ground- why am I laying on the ground? Decide to sleep or something? I try to sit up when I notice..my hands are tied. Was I kidnapped?! Oh no- I wasn't ready for this- I didn't even say goodbye to Leafy and Gelatin yet! Now I'm going to die!

I take in my surroundings, I'm laying in front of table. It has all this thinga mabobs on it, dunno what they are but don't really care. What was I doing earlier to get into this situation?.. I try to remember, well..I was walking around exploring this..mineshaft when I heard someone..talking- Yeah! They were talking to someone!.. and..they must have noticed me- and kidnapped me! Wait that's not really good..but that must be what happened!

Its a good thing I have my sword with me! I use my tied hand and try to reach for something on my back. Nothing, I try looking with my other hand, nothing. Wait- wheres my sword?.. I try feeling for it when I notice it's on a table in the corner of the room. Which is opposite from me..amazing. I can't even sit up, well I have to try then.

After a few minutes of struggling, I manage to get back up on my feet! I don't know if the person who tied me up is still here so I have to stay quiet. I slowly head to the corner of the room and-
I look behind me, I accidentally knocked down some metal thing- that made quite alot of noise..haha. I rush to the corner table and pick up my sword. The wood is a bit busted up but it's fine nonetheless. I use it to cut the ropes that tied my hands together.

Loose, the rope falls to the ground, yeah! Suddenly I hear footsteps. "Who's making all that sound- Bot 3? That you?" A weird female voice asks, it's getting closer! I need to go somewhere. So, scared I hide under the table, if they aren't paying attention..they might not see me.

A black (remote) object walks into the room. She has this weird red sticker? On her head. She looks around and where I woke up earlier. "Oh my- are you sleeping Bot 3?!" She yells, walking up to a circle object sitting on the ground. Tapping it, the object wakes up. "I told you to look after that Musketeer! Not for you to fall asleep!" She seems mad..the door is right beside me..I think I can just make a run for it.

I hit my head on the table while trying to head out, The black (remote) object looks behind to see me. I hold out my sword, pointing at her. "Ah, I see you haven't even made it out yet!" The object laughs, but in a weird way.. (robotic way) I get a bit scared of a her- him?.. they?? "Bot 3, dont be useless and get her!" The object says to the sphere like object. It gets up and out of thin air- it grabs a sword. It looks more powerful than mine..stone perhaps?

It starts running up to me, I hold out my sword in self defense. SNAP! My sword breaks into half, it falls to the ground. Oh..I should have brought something more..harder. The object uses this as a opportunity and almost slices me with its sword. I dodge it, well- goodbye! I run out the room. "BOT 3! CATCH HER! OR YOUR GOING WITH THE OTHERS!" The- bot 3? Yeah it starts chasing after me. I run, I have no weapons- oh gosh, what do I do. I cut a corner and run into someone, "Ruby??" That voice- "Leafy!"

My friend stands in front of me, and helps me get up. "There's this object- chasing me-" "there's one chasing me too!" Leafy cuts me off, "IT HAS FIRE POWERS RUBY, FIRE  P O W E R S" I'm shocked, fire powers?! Suddenly another bot (?) Comes from behind Leafy, "Ruby..behind you" I look behind me, the bot 3 from earlier! It weilds its sword, very sharp sword..
Well, time to use brute force.

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