exam stress - fp

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AGE - 15/16

british!reader, autistic!reader, stimming



exam season was a stressful time for most teens. trying to juggle studying, a social life, a home life and a job wasn't the easiest of tasks

there you were sitting at your desk on your laptop. you had been sitting there for around an hour just facing the screen, eyes darting around at the different sounds the plug made in the silence of your room

the buzzing of electricity started to irritate you, so much so you had to turn the plug off and put your headphones on

all the scattered pieces of paper around you though caused your anxiety to spike almost instantly. there had to be at least four different lesson worksheets all over the place

at this rise of anxiety you pulled at the a couple strands of hair in your closed fist, pulling only lightly for now

the more you looked around your room which was, to a neurotypical person, almost spotless you got more and more agitated, you started to tug at your hair with some force

"honey" your mum, florence, knocked on your door but received no reply. you were too focussed on tugging at larger chunks of hair. your scalp beginning to hurt a little at the force

of course flo knew not to enter without your consent, for your room was your private space but in all honesty she was worried. your mum had surely noticed the significant increase in your stimming and how you had become more detached with her

slowly entering your room she saw your hunched figure at the desk, slightly rocking and pulling at your y/h/c locks. she wanted rushed over to you, not wanting you to have meltdown but before she did she thought it best to turn the lights off

so when the room went dark you were somewhat alerted to her presence but you didn't seem to acknowledge it, your head just couldn't register

the blonde kept rushing around the room trying to calm the environment around you. closing the curtains and turning off all the plugs

lastly, she gently swivelled your desk chair around for you to face her

"bumblebee, take these?" she asks as you as she pulls the strings of her hoodie closer to you, willing you to pull them instead of your hair and you eventually did

from her place kneeling on the floor she pulls your frame of the chair and onto her lap, wrapping her arms tightly around your torso. your back was to her front

"tighter" you whisper as your mum starts to rock the both of you and quickly tighten her grip

it took around ten silence minutes for your breathing to regulate but you made no effort to move, your body felt numb and drained

"that's enough studying for now, ok" it wasn't a question she was telling you and honestly you were too tired to argue

she carefully lifted you up and layed you on your bed, covering your in your weighted blanket

sure it was only two in the afternoon but still flo got in the bed next to you

"take a nap, my love. we'll order in tonight" with a kiss to your forehead you let your eyes close


i've said this after all my autistic!reader works but honestly, if i've portrayed anything wrong or stupidly then please inform me

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