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Y/n must have read the letter over a hundred times and she felt lost in his words each time. Eventually, the fireworks came to a stop and the group all cheered and decided loudly they were going out for ramen.
She was left in the dark and seemed to finally snap out of her dazed expression then turned to the group stuffing the letter in the bag as she carefully placed the frog in the bag as well.

"Y/n! You missed most of the fireworks! What was Saiko's gift?" Hairo asked the girl curiously trying to take a peak in the bag

"I have to go home," Y/n spoke to the group who seemed caught off guard by her sudden decision.

"Right now?" Kuboyasu asked the girl who nodded eagerly

"At least let me walk you there! It's very dangerous this late at night." Kuboyasu suggested to the girl who eventually agreed and the two said their goodbyes to the group before making their way out of the festival.

"So — what was in Saiko's letter?" Kuboyasu asked the girl who seemed to grip her bag a little tighter.

"It was a letter to show his appreciation for me," Y/n said eventually after a long while of thinking. Though Kuboyasu wasn't convinced

"It was a love letter, wasn't it?" Kuboyasu deducted to the girl who eventually nodded feeling embarrassed by the thought.

"What are you going to say once you get home?" Kuboyasu asked gazing at the girl who just looked away

"I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead." Y/n whispered to Kuboyasu who just nodded and seemed to be struggling to speak

"Well, whatever happens. Im here for you." Kuboyasu eventually said.

"Thank you, Kuboyasu," Y/n whispered turning over to hug the boy for comfort. He was quick to return the hold.

"I don't know. Do you even think Im girlfriend material? I've never dated anyone before, I wouldn't know how to act." Y/n asked Kuboyasu waiting for his response. He went quiet for a moment then spoke

"You don't have to act a certain way. They fell for you because of the way are. Don't change anything." Kuboyasu spoke as if demanding the girl do what he says. Y/n just nodded and gave him one last squeeze then let go

"I never expected Saiko to like me. I mean, I knew that he liked me. But I didn't know he liked me. Does that make sense?" Y/n asked as the two seemed to slow their steps down. After a small contemplation, Y/n eventually spoke up again

"Maybe I should. After all, Saiko is a nice guy." Y/n broke down to Kuboyasu who seemed to grow even quieter.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked the purple-haired boy who just seemed to take a hard gulp then turn to the girl

"Nothing. I was just thinking. Do you wanna go on the swings? For old time's sake?" Kuboyasu asked referring to the last time the two had a chance to talk at the park.

"Of course. Where's the park from here?" Y/n asked the boy who reached down grabbing her wrist and dragging the girl towards the park that seemed to have not a single soul

"Guess we're closer to home than I initially thought," Y/n mumbled to Kuboyasu who sat in the same swing as he did last. Y/n followed and sat in her spot as well.

"What did you want to talk about?" Y/n asked Kuboyasu who leaned back staring at the starry sky

"Im not sure. I just want to talk, about anything. I like talking to you." Kuboyasu said lowly to the girl who smiled and stared up at the moon then placed her bag on the ground beside her swing.

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