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The night before Christmas Eve. A couple could be seen walking down the bustling town area in the evening. Their coats wrapped tightly hugging their bodies. The girl was gripping her grocery bag while trying to not get the food wet from the sudden downpour of snow. The bot had been complaining the second he stepped foot into the store. Everything was not good enough for him. He complained that the pre-cut watermelon had not been cut even squares then bragged to the girl that his chefs could make the cubes in their perfect shapes. The girl would listen and nod to his complaining finding him a little funny. She knew that despite his complaining he deep down loved spending time with the girl.
The boy's complaints came to a stop when the two stopped at a food truck.

Y/n glanced down at her wallet seeing her couple of dollars left.

"Could I get a takoyaki, please?" Y/n asked the man who nodded at the girl picking up her cash. The man came back with her food in no time and the two took a seat at the table near the food truck. The umbrella was placed in the middle of the table to prevent any snow from soiling the food. Saiko took a seat at the other side of the table only to notice immediately that the umbrella had failed in protecting the boy as he had to suffer from some of the downpours. He quickly moved his seat to the left side of the girl who laughed.
Saiko flinched at how cold the seat was and hugged himself tightly. The girl picked up the small stick and stabbed through the hot food. She held up the food for Saiko angling it towards his face. He stared down at the food and huffed before leaning forwards and taking a huge from the takoyaki.
The next the girl knew, Saiko was currently eating the takoyaki with Y/n.

"Are you excited for Christmas Eve? I hope you don't mind but I got you a last-minute gift!" Y/n smiled feeling a bit shyer for bringing up the gift. Saiko looked up at the girl who was currently playing with a piece of her hair. (A/n: I feel like I should bring this up. But if you don't have hair or you wear a hijab then you should ignore all comments I make about hair. I try to limit them as much as possible!)

"You didn't have to get me anything. I should be the one getting you things. I will, in the next few weeks!" Saiko said finishing up the rest of the takoyaki.

"I want to get you something. You have given me a lot of company this last week. My family likes you as well. I'm lucky you're only staying a month, or else they might just get attached." Y/n joked. Saiko stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I do like your family." Saiko smiled a little bit embarrassed to admit it

"We should get going. I just wanted to get you a little warmed up. My grandma is cooking this time. I think you'll like this! I could tell from the ingredients that she told us to get." Y/n spoke standing up and throwing away the trash. She thanked the man working the food truck who simply gave the girl a wave

"At least we have this watermelon to snack on while we wait!" Y/n smiled holding up the grocery bag. Sailo glared at the watermelon and scoffed.

"At least I had the takoyaki." He spoke sourly towards the sloppily cut fruit. Y/n frowned at the teen they nodded continuing forwards.


As usual, the five sat together for dinner. Sometimes it would be quiet but tonight was, of course, the night before Christmas Eve so the table was bustling. Grandma sat quietly and are to herself

"Are you going to give Dad anything, mom?" Tsubaki asked the old lady who smiled to herself.

"Yes. Of course. I never forget it. Do you want to come with me tomorrow, Y/n?" The grandmother asked turning towards the girl who had been snapped out of the conversation with Saiko and quickly nodded.

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