Chapter 29

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Niki got off the bed and I thought he was going to help me up , but instead he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me up into his embrace.

I blushed at the skin ship we were sharing. No matter how many times were close to each other , he doesn't fail to fluster me.

i wrapped my arms and legs around him and he tightened his grip on me , making sure I wouldn't fall and started quietly walking to the kitchen.

he carefully placed me in the counter and walked to the fridge to see what they had for me to eat.

"are you ok with fried rice and ramen?" He asked me. I nodded my head. The thought of food made my stomach growl.

He chuckled and started making the food.

"wow , who taught you how to cook? Last time you almost burned the rice" I joked.

We both laughed quietly. "well I wanted to be able to cook for you to make it more special , so I asked Jay hyung to teach me a bit." He explained while starting to cook the food.

I nodded my head and admired how focused and handsome he looked while cooking.

"am I really that good looking?" He asked , catching me off guard. He was standing infront of me with the food in his hands.

I quickly looked away and pretended not to hear him.

he giggled and placed the food on the counter beside me. he grabbed chopsticks and started picking up the food with it, placing food infront of my mouth.

I knew he wasn't going to let me feed myself so I just opened my mouth as he stuck the food in my mouth.

My eyes lit up as the food entered my mouth.

"wooow , this is delicious" I exclaimed. I looked up to meet his gaze when I realized our close proximity.

the way we were sitting was Niki was standing between my legs while I was sitting on the counter.

"Jay taught you well" I said , feeling shy all of a sudden. he chuckled and pecked my lips before grabbing another bit of food.

I blushed while chewing the food he had made for me. "so how was work? let's forget what happened and focus on the positive parts." I said , breaking the silence.

"well my love I can't forget about it because they hurt you. and my day was very nerve racking because I thought I did something wrong." He replied.

I furrowed my eye brows in confusion. "what do you mean?" I asked.

"well you normally text me good morning , but you didn't today. At first I shook it off because you just could've forgotten. but throughout the day you normally text me asking me if I've eaten or how work was going but , you hadn't texted me all day. I thought either something was wrong or I did something wrong." He carefully explained.

I understood where he was coming from. I cupped his cheeks and slightly squished them , I giggled at how funny his face looked.

"I'm the one who should worry about you but you're at work worrying about me?" I joked , but Niki didn't find it funny.

"y/n. How can you think that I shouldn't worry about you? I go fucking crazy when I'm not with you. I worry about you every second we're apart. We both should worry for each other. Just because I'm an idol doesn't make me any different. So stop saying you should be the only one worrying. ok?" He said , grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

I felt my face heat up when he made contact with my skin. all of a sudden I was shy . The proximity of our faces and bodies didn't help it any either.

I gulped and nodded my head.

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