Part 32

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Noah's pov :
I got out of Dixie's parents house and headed to the mansion. "Btw, the elevator is fixed" I went to the 1- floor , I've never told Dixie about it . This floor I get some people from other gangs who are also my enemies and kill them or beat them up. This time , we have the Italian mafia here , the second strongest mafia in the world. And who's the first one ? Ofc us , the German mafia. Today we didn't get the leader , we got his kids and grandkids , he's a really old man . His kids are three ; James the oldest , Jake the second one and Ana the youngest. James has two daughters; Kendall and Kenzie they're 12 and 5 . And Ana have a newborn baby; his name is Oliver . We took the kids away from their parents and put them in a room . James, jake and Ana are tied up in a chairs in an another room . They sneaked in the house and tried to kill my men , but now I'm gonna kill them .

N: ( walks in the room ) nice to see y'all again
An: it wasn't my idea !
N: shhhhh ! I'm not here to kill any of you , I'm here to torture you . We start with James . Can someone get me one of the little girls ?!
Noah's man ( comes in the room with Kendall)
N: ( sits on the chair and puts her on his lap ) hi princess
Kl: d-daddy ? What did you do to him ?
N: he'll be okay dw .
Jm: leave my daughter alone !!
N: what's your name ?
Kl: k-Kendall
N: mm beautiful, what's your favorite color ?
Kl: blue
N: do you like the color red ?
Kl: n-no.
N: well you have to love it now ( takes a knife )
Kl: daddy?
Jm: no no no no leave her !
N: ( makes a cut on her arm )
Kl: ( screams ) owwww ! Daddyyyy!
Jm: princess are you okay ?
Kl: it hurts !
N: ( laughs and takes a little of her blood on his finger ) do you like it ?
Kl: n-no
N: ( sighs ) so I have to do an another cut ? ( grabs the knife )
Kl: no ok no I love it! Please don't do it again !
N: take her to the room
Noah's man: okay sir ( takes Kendall to the room )
N: ( gets closer to James ) did you liked the show ?
Jm: f@ck you ! ( spits on his face )
N: ( slaps him ) b!tch
Noah's man : sir you have a call
N: from who ?
Noah's man : your wife
N: ( walks outside and answers ) yes ?
D: baby can you come pick me up ?
N: I'm busy rn
D: babe please ! I'm bored
N: ( sighs ) I'll send someone to pick you up
D: okay thanks
N: you're welcome, anything else?
D: no , bye bye
N: bye ( hangs up and goes back on the room )
Jk: ooo you have a wife huh ? Well come and get her later ( smirks )
N: ( gets closer to him ) touch one hair of her , I'll kill you in a minute .
Jk: I'll be waiting for you
N: ( slaps him )

Dixie's pov :
The driver arrived at my parents house so I went to his car and he drove to the mansion. When we arrived, I walked in and went to our room . I changed my clothes into something comfy . I laid on the bed and went on my phone. I went to Snapchat and accidentally pressed on the location button, I was about to go back but I noticed that Noah was as the same location as me . But he's not here . I walked outside and went to one of Noah's men , I asked him about Noah and he said that Noah's not here . I showed him the location and he got nervous.

Noah's man : sorry , I can't let you go there
D: what do you mean you can't let me go there ?? I'm his wife and I need to know where he is !
Noah's man: ( sighs and calls someone ) I need to talk to the boss...boss your wife found your location and she want to see you...idk...okay ( hangs up ) come with me please
D: okay

We went to the elevator and he pressed at the number 1 two times , why did he do that ? The elevator opened and o saw a floor I've never seen before. We walked in then I saw a loooooott of Noah's men who were standing next to some doors . I asked them about Noah and they called him from the room .

D: what are you doing here ?
N: Dixie go upstairs, I have some stuff to do here
D: no I'm no- ( hears something) what's in there ?
N: no one Dixie
D: no I wanna see ( walks on and sees James , jake and Ana ) wtf ?

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