Part 31

523 11 2

Dixie's pov :

D: can we go now ?
N: go where ?
D: to get a tottooooo !
N: no I'm going to the gym with Bryce
D: after the gym
N: ( sighs ) okay , now it's 1:37 , at 3 pm be ready
D: okay !

At 3 pm

I got ready to get a tattoo with Noah and I'm super excited! I wore a crop top and a short and put my sneakers on. I went to the living room and waited for Noah to come back from the gym . After few minutes, Noah walked in the house .

D: hiii ( about to hug him )
N: no I'm sweating ! Let me take a shower then do whatever you want
D: okay , but just a kiss
N: ( kisses her ) now wait here so I can shower
D: don't take too long !
N: I won't ! ( goes to the bathroom and shower )

After 30 minutes

N: ( walks downstairs) dix , are you ready ?
D: mhm , let's goo ! ( holds his hand and pulls him to the car )
N: ( gets in and puts his seatbelt on )
D: ( does the same )
N: ( starts driving)
D: ( holds Noah's hand )
N: ( smiles )

After few minutes, we arrived at the tattoo place . We walked in and saw the lady . We told her we want matching tattoos and she gave us an album . We looked for few tattoos but we saw a cute ones so we decided to get it ; It's just a little hearts on our wrists. Then I wanted more tattoos and Noah let me do it . I wanted a little butterfly behind my ear and a flower on my hip .

N: are you done baby ?
D: mhm ( so happy)
N: ( pays for the lady ) thank you
The lady : you're welcome
N: ( holds Dixie's hand and walks out of the place )
D: thank you love ( kisses him )
N: you're welcome
D: I feel so free when I'm with you , I can do whatever I want
N: i only did this bc it makes you happy
D: ( kisses him ) can we keep walking ? I don't want to go home now
N: sure

We kept walking for 1 hour then we went back to the car . I told Noah I want to go to my parents house so he drove there .

D: ( walks in the house ) mommy ! Daddy ! I'm here !
H: ( walks downstairs) hi baby ( kisses her head )
D. Hiii , mommy look , I got a tattoo ! ( sits on the couch and shows her her tattoos )
N: ( sits next to Dixie )
H: it's beautiful baby , but aren't you too young for tattoos ?
D: no mommy I'm old enough now
H: okay .
D: where's daddy ?
H: work
D: ugh ! It's always work !
H: it's okay , he should be back soon
N: Dixie , I have to go now . I'll pick you up when I finish my work ( stands up)
D: but you went to work this morning! Can you stay here ?
N: Dixie I said I'll come back later .
D: ( sighs ) fine
N: need anything?
D: can you get candy on your way here ?
N: I will , anything else?
D: just stay safe please and I love you
N: I will and I love you more ( kisses her head and walks out of the house )
H: so , how are you and Noah ? Is everything okay?
D: yeah everything is good, we got matching tattoos today
H: that's cute , but you met him few months ago , isn't it too soon ?
D: yeah but I have a feel that we will stay together forever
H: is he harsh on you ?
D: no , but he's dry , he's so dry and cold , he doesn't always show his feelings for me . I always have to say ily first then he say if back , he only did said it first in the ball .
H: that's your choice , you want to continue with him
D. at least he loves me ! Yk how many times I tried getting a bf ?? I never did get one !
H: bc of your personality! You're like a kid !
D: well it's yours and daddy's fault! You shouldn't have spoiled me!
H: we did it bc we love you
D. I love you more but- ugh I can't argue with old people !
H: what ??
D: ( laughs) im sorry ( kisses her head ) I love you
H: I love you more

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