Is she really?

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"Check" Landon handed me the butter with a cheeky smile 


"Checkity check check" Brandon placed it on the counter 

"Apples? Sugar? Anything else?" Leah handed me the rest 

"Lets get you guys the supporters" I kicked 3 with my feet to where we were standing and watched as they stood on their one 

"Landon, your job is to mix the flour with the butter"

"Aye, aye captain" 

"Brandon, your job is to chop up the apples, be careful with it"

"Aye, aye captain"

"Leah, you're going to sprinkle cinnamon and lemon juice onto the apples when they're done okay?"

"Aye, aye, captain"

I walked over to the stove and turned it on, I let the water boil and sprinkled some sugar into the pot 

"How's the crumble doing?" I asked 

"Pretty good"

"Remember to use your fingertips" I demonstrated and watched as he tried "Good" 

"How's the apple slicing going?"


"Away from fingers" 

"Okay sissy"

"How's the sprinkling going"

Leah hummed 

"Good, good" 

I grabbed the apples and placed them in the pot, I picked up Leah and watched as she squeezed the lemon juice in

I grabbed the circular tin, drained the apples, and placed them in there "Landon, let me see the mix" 

It looked perfect 

I signaled for him to pour it in and he did exactly as told 

I placed the tin in the oven and cleaned up after us 

"Watch some tv guys"

"Can I play on my tablet?" Brandon asked

"Of course, but sit downstairs" He nodded 

"Can I aswell?" 

"Go on Landon"

I held onto Leah's hand and put on ben and holly's little kingdom 

I grabbed a plate and dished out a small portion of pasta for me, as I finished eating the food, I quickly rinsed off my plate and went upstairs, I ran the shower and watched as everything went down the drain, I got in and sat on the floor at peace 

So many things has happened to make me, me

"Sissy" Leah screamed causing me to stand up quickly, I scrubbed myself, and got out quickly "Coming" I screamed back 

I got changed swiftly into my pajamas and walked downstairs 

"What's wrong?" I asked slightly out of breath

"New episode" She pointed at the tv causing me to shake my head 

I walked over to the oven as I followed the trail of the wonderful smell

"Its ready" I sung

"Guys, go get mama" They nodded quickly and ran upstairs

"Mama's dead" Landon screamed causing my heart to skip a beat

"No she's not" I shouted as I jogged upstairs 

"Mama" I spoke in a gentle tone 

I shook her, patted her, called for her, but she didn't speak, her lips were tinted blue and her eyes were closed, she looked peaceful 

"Is mama dead?" Brandon asked me with a tilt of a head 

"Yeah, mama can't be dead" Landon spoke confidently 

"Everyone out please, take your sister with you" 

As soon as the door shut I collapsed as tears blurred my vision 

Mama was dead

So I've noticed that all my books are depressing to an extent, so I'm going to make one certain book a happy book, yes they'll be twists but at the end it'll be happy, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment if you wish. Have a lovely day!!

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