Food pt 2

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I placed Leah's bag on her back and clipped up the string, I held onto it gently making sure not to tug too hard

"Brandon, hand" I looked over at Brandon and he interlocked our fingers together 

"Landon, hand" I looked over and he did the same 

"Leah stay beside me okay buba?" I asked 

"Okay sissy" She fumbled with her words causing me to smile 

"Stop" They all halted to the stop

"Where do you look?"

"Left" Brandon shouted 


"Right" Landon shouted 

"When there's no cars what do we do next?"

"Go, go, go" Leah babbled

"Yes, we can go now" We walked to the other side and entered the shop 

"Who wants to row the trolley today?" I asked 

"Me" Both Brandon and Landon shouted 

"Who did it last time?" I asked 

"Brandon can do it, I'll do it next time" I smiled and nodded 

"Leah? Do you want to sit in the trolley?" 

She giggled with a smile, I unclipped the rope and sat her down on the seat

Landon held onto my hand as Brandon rowed the trolley 

"Where to sissy?" 

"Left" He took a sharp left turn stopping for people to go

"Landon get the pasta" He nodded and grabbed a small bag of pasta, he placed it in the trolley with a smile, I held onto his hand yet again 

"Frozen section" 

"What meat today?" I asked them 


I grabbed the drum sticks and placed it in the trolley 

"Lets get some ice cream, ingredients for apple crumble, and tissues" 

Once we were done we walked back home following the same procedure "Where do you look?"

"Left" Brandon shouted 

"And then?"

"Right" Landon shouted 

"What do we do when we see no cars"

"Go, go, go" Leah giggled

Once we got home I told the boys to have a shower and change into there pajamas whilst I cooked dinner 

I seasoned the chicken with multiple seasoning and placed it in the oven to cook 

"Sissy I'm done" Brandon shouted down 

"Make sure you put on your clothes the right way around" I shouted back 

I boiled the pasta and made some sauce to go with it

Once I was done I turned off the oven and stove and let it cool down for a bit, I grabbed Leah and helped her upstairs 

"What bubbles today?" I asked her


I nodded and helped her out of her clothes

I ran the water until it was warm enough for her "You ready?" I asked her 

She gave me a small nod, I grabbed the hair tie that was on her wrist and tied her hair back with it, I placed her in and watched as she played 

I sat on the toilet seat lid and grabbed my phone

I had an assessment due tomorrow 

I logged onto my emails and emailed my teacher 

'Hi miss I'm sorry for such a late email, but I wont be able to get the assessment done by tomorrow, may I have another week or 2?' 

Minutes later I got a reply 

'You got another 2 weeks to do it, I know about your situation so I'll let you off this time, I'll give you a link to help you'


Comes at the best and worst times 

"Leah are you done?" I asked her as she splashed the water again

She gave me a small nod, I grabbed her loofah and washed her clean, turning on the shower I sprayed off all the soap that was on her body and wrapped her up with a towel 

"Come on lets get you dressed" 

I walked her over to her room and got her dressed into her favorite pajamas, I grabbed the hairbrush and brushed her back into a loose pony tail

"All done?" She asked 

"All done" 

"Thank you" She smiled 

I walked downstairs to see Brandon and Landon in their matching pajamas 

"Ready for dinner?" I asked them, I heard 3 small hums, I walked over to the kitchen and dished out their food "Guys come here" 

"Yes sissy?"

"What piece of chicken do you want?" Brandon picked up his piece and put it on his plate that had his name on it, Landon did the same and so did Leah, I was left with 7 more pieces

"Remember to take the cloth off of the table before eating" I shouted into the living room

I grabbed 2 small containers and stuffed the pasta in both of them, the chicken laid on top and I placed the lid on top of it, I placed the food in the fridge making sure to dish out mama's food beforehand and I washed the pots

Now satisfied with the look of the kitchen I walked over to Leah and cut her chicken out into small pieces, I grabbed mama's plate and walked upstairs carefully 

"Mama?" I knocked on her door 

I sighed heavily when I heard sniffling on the other side of the door

I walked in slowly and placed the plate down on her bed side table, I sat down beside her and held her in my arms 

"What's wrong mam" I asked as she wiped her eyes 

"I- I don't know" Her voice wavered

"Do you know what I think will be good for you?" I asked 


"Eat all your dinner and watch a movie, once me and the kids are done with the apple crumble we can all watch a movie together downstairs before bed time. Sound good?"

She nodded excitedly causing me to smile

"What do you want to watch today?" I asked 

"Tiana" She sniffled as she got onto her bed comfortably 

I pressed play and laid the food down on her lap 

"Enjoy" I smiled at her as I walked back downstairs 

"See, I tried washing the plates" Brandon smiled "Landon is cleaning the table" I looked over to see Landon doing exactly that

"Thank you baby" I kissed his forehead and finished washing up, once I was done I grabbed all the ingredients for the apple crumble and called the kids over 

"Have you guys washed your hands?"

"Yes" They all smiled and showed me their hands 

"With soap?"

"W-well" They started causing me to tut

"Go, go, go before I do it by myself" I laughed as they all ran towards the bathroom

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