Chapter 26: Loki's Mission pt.1

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Continuing off on his investigation, Loki manages to find better focus now that Venti isn't in the room. Currently, he is attempting to find out the other locations of these so-called experiment sites. Scanning through the pages of the notebook, Loki has already ripped out the contents several times but restored them with Time Reversal.

"Holy crap this guy is messed up in the head! Confidence is key, but this dude is on his high horse! He really thinks he can rule over the world with one Adeptus. How stupid!"


"Hold on a moment. This part here..."

Looking up from the notebook, Loki walks over to the desk. Grabbing a piece of paper, he then opens a container with ink and dips the pen into it.

"Although this isn't really related, it's a key detail. This notebook dates back to...8 years ago. This man who was the leader, met a strange person. He said that their clothes were from another nation, but again, it doesn't describe anything about it. Only that he has never witnessed this attire before."

Writing his findings onto paper, Loki began to write as fast as his mind could process the information.

"They offered a deal with this dude. Assuming that both sides manage to create a weapon entirely for their own purposes."

"However, the dude didn't seem interested at first, so the dealer let him think for three days about this offer."

Stopping his pen from moving, Loki hit an interesting observation as he moved to the next page.

"This is...three days after the dealer made an offer. He agreed for whatever reason and was given a strange item. He was then told to gather people who agreed with him. People who were wronged by the world and suffered from it."


"The item was then returned...and in doing so, they were commanded to research a certain formula and perform rituals." Loki mumbled, jotting this down. "And when they got the gist of it, the dude got the item back and held onto it for a while."

"Wait. It keeps talking about an "item". Is it possible that the item is somewhere around here?"

Putting the pen down, Loki searched the entire room once more. He uses his Shadows to look through the smaller areas. He kept looking for the item, but just when he was about to give up, the Shadows found an odd box under the bed.

Bringing it towards Loki, he then placed it on top of the table and carefully opened it. Expecting some sort of attack, he was prepared to defend himself. But it didn't seem that way. Instead, there was only a small amount of dust that escaped from it.

Inside the box, there was an odd-looking amulet. The engravings were similar to Khaenri'ah's culture, but not exactly. It was rather plain. One can assume that it was based on Khaenri'ah, but didn't have any intention to.

"...Shadows. Run a diagnostic." Loki commanded.


"A hypnotizing device. Made with magic spells that trick the mind and invade the body. If exposed for too long, then it will have the power to manipulate those to do the giver's will." Loki read out loud, "So the person who gave this to the guy managed to manipulate him and his followers."

"And when he was told to gather people, they already succumbed to the amulet's power." He concluded, "However, this thing won't work well on Gods or any other divine being. I guess whoever this person is gave it to humans because they were simple and easy to control."

Placing the lid over the box, Loki continued to write down his findings.



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