Chapter One: That One Stupid Day

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Date: October 12th, 1853

  The boy we come to know as Rann is running around with kids his age, minding his own business, and being a careless toddler.

  Looking towards where Sir Billiam is.. we can notice the change in clothing from present time Billiam, he's wearing white with a white and yellow masquerade mask. He noticed the children in front of the orphanage and spotted the little green eyed boy, who's name is Raphael. He knew that from a girl yelling his name to come over to her, he observed them for a moment. Debating on who to steal.

  He eventually came to terms with Raphael, making a mental note to give him a different name. Something he'll remember for the rest of his life.. a name that's a verb. A name like Rann.

  Doing his usual tactic, he lured the kid into an alley and swooped him up, running off with his money and the child.
Date: October 23rd, 1865

  Twelve years have passed, and it's been chaotic. Rann learned the in's and out's of the mansion he was 'living' at. Not actually having a bedroom like the other servants, well he might, but he ignores it. He was sitting on the stairs, waiting to either be summoned by his master or for a mess to occur. Ran glared at the big portrait of Billiam above the main-doorway. One of the maids called him down, he walked towards her, "Rann, I've prepared our master's breakfast. Could you take it to him?" She asked the fifteen year old, "Of course." He murmured, taking the tray and walking to his master's room.

  He knocked on the door and pushed it open with his hip, "Master, It's 7:38 AM. It's time to wake up sir." Rann placed the tray down on the bedside table next to Billiam's sleeping body. Pulling the curtains and tying them to be out of the way, he was so caught up in doing that the question barely registered in his head, "Rann.. what am I having for breakfast?" The boy turned to look at him, trying his best to hide his shock.

  He never got addressed by his 'name' always 'Butler' or.. 'boy', "Toast, with plum pudding and eggs. As well as tea from France." He poured his master's tea and placed it back onto the tray and handed it to his lord, "Rann. When is your birthday?" Billiam asked the younger male, "If I may ask my lord, why do you wish to know? Don't you already know it?" Rann got a glare from the older male, "No. I don't know, now don't ask that stupid question without permission again." The younger nodded, "July 30th, my lord." Billiam dismissed Rann after that.

  Going to feed the egg, that's what Rann was doing. Yet why did he feel dizzy? Had he slept recently? Eaten? Drank literally anything? He couldn't remember, or he didn't care. Looking at the prisoners that served as food for the egg, he took the oldest one and killed him. He went to leave the room of the egg, but was stopped short by Billiam entering, "Rann it's time you become one with the egg." Billiam stated, knocking the boy out.

  When Rann came back to reality, he was laying on a couch, his left shoulder blade was in pain. He didn't question it though, little did he know.. he had just been branded with the symbol of the Crimson Egg.

Words: 580

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