Chapter Four: Pain & Lies

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Date: November 20th, 1865

  Rann was cleaning dishes in the kitchen, helping out with the maids and other tasks the others had. Billiam was just sitting while he watched the younger scurry around, he found it nice. Rann eventually held onto his upper-abdomen, causing Billiam to stare at him in confusion. The boy was holding onto the wall, leaning his weight onto it for dear life.

  That's when Rann slid down the side and Billiam got up, not caring for the fact Dream XD had just arrived. This child was more important in this moment, "Hmm." XD muttered, his ridiculous smile faltering just a bit, "I had seen him in town with a group of boys.. quite a lot." The god said to the worried male, "How many times?" Billiam asked, "Mm.. always every time! And to me it looked like they weren't being friendly." The smily god was floating around the two. Sighing Billiam picked the boy up, realizing he had a cut on his ankle.

Setting the boy on a couch, Billiam peaked further up his pant leg. There were cuts, bruises, and even a few bites. The estate owner was shocked and sent a maid to get bandages, because if this was just one leg.. how did his other body parts look?

When the maid came back he ordered her to undress him to his minimum, she did so. And his suspicions were right, he looked like a mess. Everything probably ranging from broken blood vessels to inch deep bites. Putting his hand to his mouth, he then got another servant to bandage the boy up. He couldn't do it, nor could he look at him. Reminded him too much of.. his childhood.

  After Rann was taken care of, Billiam placed him in one of the guest rooms. Sitting on the side, waiting for him to wake up. He eventually did, but only for a few minutes. Then passed out, a few days passed and he was up and working again. Despite the fact Billiam told him not to, the flower on the boy's forearm tightened just a bit. The egg was worried for him, and he didn't know why.

Words: 364

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