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When I arrived in Florida, I went over to the baggage claim to get my luggage. When I got over there, a tall man with dark almost black hair was standing there. He was wearing my merch. I instantly recognized him as my best friend Nick. I grabbed my bag then snuck up on him and gave him a big hug. He jumped a little then looked at me and said "Karl? Is that you?"

"Mhm!" I said letting go of him.

"Come on. Clay is waiting for us.' He told me. Then we left.

We got into his car and drove for what seemed like forever but finally we stopped in front of a nice looking house. Nick pulled into the driveway he got out then brought my bag inside for me.

"Clay we're here!" Nick shouted. 

He showed me to the guest room then he gave me a tour of the house.

He showed me his room last.

It looked really nice. Soft white walls, gray sheets, his desk and an orange bean bag chair in the corner.

"Wow Nick. This is nice." I told him.

"Thank you." He said.

"I'm gonna order some food. Do you want anything?" He asked me.

"No thanks I'll be good."


After Nick had finished eating, he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him.

I said yes

"So what movie are we going to watch?" I asked Nick.

"How about.... uhhh.... hmmm.... I don't know you choose."

"I was thinking the lion king."

"Then let's watch that."

We got our snacks and sat down on the couch with a blanket over us and played the movie.

After the movie, Nick said good night and went to his room.

I went into the guest room and changed into my pajamas. 

I tossed and turned for a good amount of the night. What time was it? I checked my phone. 1:00?!? I put down my phone and walked into Nick's room.

When I opened the door he woke up and looked at me


"Hi Nick."

"What's up?" He asked.

"I can't sleep in there I think I would be more comfortable with you." I said as I felt my face go red.

Nick patted a spot next to him on his bed and I walked over there and layed down

Nick fell asleep shortly after that.


In the morning,  I woke up to see that Nick had his arm wrapped around me pulling me really close to him.

"Good morning." 

I made a grunt of acknowledgment. 

I got out of his bed which was much softer than the one in the guest room. 

I told him this and he said I could sleep in his room whenever needed.


Authors note

Hello guys I wrote this at the same time as chapter one and it was really late then so this sucks. 

I hope it gets better

(Also I might take suggestions for what to put in the story)

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