Ch1. The noises (part 2)

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She was right, time rarely passed the way you expected it to, it's like the forest reads your mind and does everything to scare you.

Just last week they finished their lunch in a denser part of the forest thinking they had hours to get back to camp in the treetops, but as they were walking it was like the gods shut turned off the lights.

And they were left treading their way along the path darting their eyes at the slightest of moments, stopping and the smallest sounds.

They couldn't risk that again, so Brian reluctantly agrees 

'ill get the firewood but don't forget every 5 minutes send the signal' 

spinning around to face her 

'Don't wander off this time, unless you want to get stung by another acid scorpion!'

'I know, I know! Don't nag' Rolling her eyes 'For the millionth time, I saw a bloody cat and it was jumping around like a newborn puppy!' 'How could I not investigate?'

'Sureeee, just don't!' Brian huft as he walked off

By nightfall they had a decent fire going, mind you with precautions and safety measures so the fire doesn't spread, 

They had four Cardinal shiners caught by Alessa's basket she weaved out of reeds and dried weeds.

They sat down on some rocks and ate in silence sitting back to back with their weapons at their side at ready.

Each minding their own business gathering their items, and throwing a few more pieces of old valley oak branches for good measure, Alessa signaled to Brian 'Good night'.

then turned her back and played on the fresh piles of moss they found earlier in the day.

Soon the only sound left was soft breathing as both demigods slept, the crackling of the fire and the wildlife around them, as various nocturnal animals watched them with their glowing eyes, avoiding the fire, only daring to get so close as they slept on, 

for both children still holding their makeshift weapons.

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