chapter 107

29 1 0

Tony:anybody up for dinner

Nat:if we weren't we would be hungry untill tomorrow morning

Clint:well for those who snack at midnight

Sam:by more you mean you

Nat:watch it

Bucky:I'm new to this team and I do not  know what you guys eat

Nat:we eat food

Bucky:I-you know want I mean

Peter:mama spider can  I come over

Tony:sure Pete

Peter:I was actually  talking to-

Nat:me,sure you can come over baby spider

Peter:yes be there in 5

Sam:since when did you and the kid get so close

Nat:that is classified

Steve:so no invite for me:(

Nat:sorry Steve you can come later

Steve: :)

Tony:people!focus what are we gonna eat for dinner

Bruce:I suggest Chinese



Nat:okay so we got three people with three different awnsers let's do this

Nat:whoever says Chinese cast your vote

Bucky:I don't know want that is but I vote Chinese

Bruce:I vote Chinese

Sam:I vote Chinese

Nat:nobody els okay,everybody who says pizza

Thor:I vote pizza

Tony:I vote pizza

Steve:I vote pizza as well

Nat:voting pizza

Peter:oo  I vote pizza too,fyi mama spider I'm at your room


Nat:all votes for shwarma

Clint:vote shwarma

Pepper:I'm in the mood for that

Wanda:eeeh why not

Vision:I can not consume food :(

Tony:okay all votes

Tony:Chinese 3|pizza 5|shwarma 3,pizza wins I'm ordering

Thor:what do you guys want

Clint:three pepperoni pizzas

Nat:four cheese pizzas

Thor:oo order breadsticks please

Tony:deffinetly can't forget the breadsticks

Tony:what to drink


Tony:great idea what you guys want

Nat:five caramel milkshakes

Sam:two vanilla milkshakes

Thor:one chocolate milkshake

Nat:make that seven caramel milkshakes

Thor: double my order to two chocolate milkshakes

Tony:okay is that it

Steve:think so

Tony:okay so three pepperoni pizzas,four cheese pizzas  breadsticks
Seven caramel  milkshakes,two vanilla milkshakes,two chocolate milkshakes ,okay is that it

Steve:yes that's it

Bucky:I like this team

(Not really a quotes chapter )

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