Chapter 6. Mad Eye Moody

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Oakley Potter-

Im now at potions class. Woke up this morning as sick as a dog. It took everything in me to get ready.

Anyways its like 10 in the morning and everyone is piling into the potions classroom. I was sat next too Blaise and Hermione. Sadly of course. I like Blaise he's chill but obviously not Granger. Shes one of my brothers misfits.

"Now Class. Today, we will be making Veritaserum. Would anyone care to explain this substance?" Snape slowly said as he paced around the class

Of course Granger was the one to answer when everyone knows its a truth serum. As class went on he handed out papers with the ingredients listed on it. And we all made our potions and showed him I secretly kept some in a bottle incase theres any time its needed.

We all made our way too DADA. And I am sick and tired of Mad Eye Moody already.

We are all sat down now, me, Draco, and daphne sat at one table me being on the edge which happens to be closest to Harry and Ron beside him.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. Ministry malocontent. And your new DADA, I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye the end, Any questions?" The twat spat out at the class.

I drifted off after awhile. Just sitting there with my hand planted on my head. Until he started talking about the 3 unforgivable curses. He brings out a spider and started preforming these curses. I had known he brought Neville up there because of what happened to his parents, we all knew it.

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Granger" she silently shook her head. He had already gone over the other two. We all knew the next one. Malfoy looked over at me as I tensed up in my seat. My whole body became firm.

"Are you alright?" He whispered nearly into my ear as he quietly moved his chair closer too me.

"Im fine, its jus not my favorite topic, not that you really care nor understand." I whispered back and arched back away from him.

"Avada Kedavra!" I winced. And The spider shriveled up into oblivion. Never to be alive again. Me and Harry jus intently watched every move the man made. I glanced over at him only for him to still be staring.

"The killing curse. Only two people known to have survived it and there both sitting in this room" I swallowed everyone thinks it was simply just Harry. Hardly half the population knows that I was in the crib directly next to him. At the time only Harry was left with a scar. But if I were to be looked at people would know that I have the same scar on the left side of my neck, yet its much smaller and not as dark. Only my brother knows this though.

"It was only Harry!" Screamed some brave Gryffindor sitting in the back of the room, the kid didn't even look to be in the same year as us so Merlin knows who it was.

"Ahh that's what they all think." Professor Moody said.

"Potter stand up. That goes for you both" Me and Harry looked at each other. Slowly scooting our chairs back and standing up.

"Would you all like to know the full story?" The man stated. I was sweating at this point. My friends were looking at me in shock. Back then The Daily Prophet said as though I was left in a different room. Hence why no body knows. Of course everyone knows were twins but no one knows full detail, yet I have zero idea how this man knows either.

"Leave it alone." Harry said, his voice is shaken and I can see his fist shivering against his side.

"See the truth is, these two were left in the same crib that night. October 31st 1981. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named struct the killing curse upon the two. Harry was left with the scar on his forehead. And Oakley... was left with the same exact scar on the left upper side of her neck. Which is hidden with her hair at all times." Everyone was looking at me at this point. Harry now standing directly beside me instead of at his chair. My hands were shaking and my whole body was drenched in unnoticeable sweat.

"Class is dismissed." Everyone scattered out of the room, leaving behind me, and Harry. We both stood there waiting for the hallways too clear. The silence was comfortable. Both of us knowing what the other felt.

"Im so sorry Oaks" Theres the nickname again. He gave me this nickname in our first year at Hogwarts and I haven't heard him use it in a long time.

"I just didn't want the word out, but things travel fast here, soon enough the whole school will know." I shivered at the thought.

He leaned over towards me and patted my back. "I know how we are with everything but I'm still your brother which means I am still here for you Oaks."

"Thanks Harry" I gave him a small side hug then continued to make my way to the common room. Its lunch time now but there's no bloody way I'm going after that. I'd rather starve.

As Cold Hearted As He Is~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now