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Once again, the morning had arisen. The open windows allowed for the surrounding wildlife to echo their sounds through Océanes room. She woke up earlier than Pierre, who was still dozed off with his arm around her. She calmly moved his arm and headed to the kitchen. Lando was also still asleep, meaning that she was the only one awake. Peace and quiet.

Océane decided that she would make breakfast for Pierre, and if there was any leftovers Lando could have them. She made some fried eggs and just cooked some hash browns as she really wasn't bothered to do much else.

Whilst the hash browns were finishing off she heard footsteps from her bedroom, he was awake.

"Morning princess," Pierre said rubbing his eyes as he walked over to the kitchen, "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

He strolled to Océane and wrapped his his hands around her waist, "Good, how about you?" She responded, he rested his head on her shoulder and mumbled.

"Good, only because you were there though, what are you cooking?" He asked.

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast, but you're here now." She said breaking away from the hug and flipping over the hash browns.

"I could go back into bed if you wish." He chuckled, he looked more awake now than he did a couple minutes ago.

"Now where's the fun in that?" Océane asked, Pierre pulled her away from the hob area by her waist. He spun her around, with a cheeky smile on his face he lifted her up and placed her on a clean space of the kitchen counter.

He stood in-between her legs looking up at her hopelessly, "I miss you." He said.

"I'm right here." She responded resting her hands on his shoulders.

"I miss your body." He corrected himself trailing his hands over her thighs. His eyes once again darting up to hers, pleading.

"Instead of fucking, why don't we go to an art museum?" Océane suggested, fully changing the idea that Pierre had. Catching him by surprise.

"That's no fun though." He whined, pulling Océane off the counter gently. Once again she was much shorter than him.

"Well, I want to, and you'd do it for me right?" Océane asked, knowing she had an affect on Pierre. He would most definitely say yes.

"Fine, we will go, where though?" He asked taking the fried eggs Océane was cooking and putting them on two plates that she had previously gotten out of the cupboard.

Océane shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure, but I will find somewhere."

The pair ate their breakfast and left some left overs for Lando on the countertop, in case he was hungry when he woke up and could easily reheat it. Pierre and Océane got ready to go out, and they managed to find some art museum which they could go to within an hours drive. Therefore, they drove there. Or Pierre drove there.

"Are you sure there's nothing more interesting we could do?" Pierre asked, hoping he could change her mind before they got there.

"I like art Pierre, at least do this for me." She said, seeing a soft smile on his face.

"Well, if it interests you then of course my love."

They arrived at said art museum, buying their tickets which were a mere 7 euros. The art museum was massive, full of paintings and sculptures. Pierre had figured out when they were walking around that it wasn't too bad, he could just associate the paintings with someone he knew and that was enough entertainment for him. He was like a child who needed to be put on a leash, every now and again Océane would loose the Frenchmen. Most of the time she would find him quickly, yet some times she would have to phone him to get his location.

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