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oceanebeaufoy posted a story

oceanebeaufoy posted a story

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Océane approached Charles and Charlotte with an overly large smile on her face, "Where did you go?" Charles asked with a small smirk on his face.

"None of your business, I shall tell you both Tuesday morning." She explained, ordering yet another drink. However, this time it was just a Gin and Tonic.

"Where's Lando?" Océane asked, taking full advantage of the free drinks for her and her friends. "He went back to your apartment with Luisa, so I say just stay here for a little bit." Charlotte chuckled, "But Luisa is absolutely amazing, she's kind, funny and beautiful as well!"

"I'm gutted I didn't get to meet her, but I guess I will see her tomorrow morning..."

Suddenly, Pierre appeared out of nowhere. "Charles, can we have a chat?" He asked, apparent that he had a few more drinks since their chat not too long ago.

Charlotte shot Océane one of those looks, but all she saw was Océane completely indulged by Pierre's looks that Océane couldn't take her eyes off the slightly taller French man. Yet when Charlotte took a slightly closer look at Pierre, she could see a tiny bit of pink lipstick on the corner of his lip. Coincidentally matching Océanes lipstick that she was wearing tonight, it was a bit of a stretch comparing the amount of women at the after party.

"Anything to confess?" Charlotte asking, catching Océane off guard who returned her focus back to her friend once Pierre had left, "Hmm?" Océane mumbled.

"Our favourite French man has a little lipstick on him." Charlotte said, raising her eyebrow. Océane started to blush before throwing her hands onto her face. She held a finger up as an indication to wait and then chugged some of her drink, finding it disgusting but worth it.

"So Pierre asked to talk to me in the stairwell," She explained, pointing at the door that led to the stairwell. "He was saying how much he missed me, and explained how he wasn't himself that weekend. I told him I forgive him, but I can't fully trust him until he truly gains my trust back, I don't know how long that would take but he will be patient, oh and he also gave me this necklace which he bought all the way back in Italy, and then I kissed him."

Océane took a gulp of her drink, "You kissed him?! I mean everything else is reasonable, but you kissed him?" Charlotte questioned.

"Yeah, oh I also told him I love him back because I never got to say it back when he said it in Australia." Océane couldn't hold a straight face with the face that Charlotte gave her, looking confused. "We can blame it on the alcohol." Océane chuckled.

"But did you mean it?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, I did."

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Charles and Pierre walked a little down the bar from the two girls, for a little privacy from people they knew well to talk.

"Firstly, Charles I have to say i'm sorry. I ruined everything between us because I got mad you told Océane. When in reality, you were completely right. I'm glad you told her, otherwise she may have never known and it could have come up at a much later part of our relationship, then it could have been unfixable and completely fucked. But i'm here because, mate I miss you." Pierre explained. Charles' facial expression looked much more relieved then it did when the two started talking.

Before Charles said anything, he hugged Pierre. Both of them smelt like alcohol, but it doesn't mean that they didn't mean it. "It's okay mate, it's like nothing ever happened" Charles said, "You fixed it with Océane?" He asked.

"Yeah I think so, she said she needs to trust me again. But we can rebuild what we had, I'm heading round hers Tuesday to spend some time with her." Pierre said, every time he would think about Océane in the last hour, he felt at ease, knowing she didn't hate him.

Charles patted Pierre on the back, "Good for you mate, you two were amazing together from what I saw. Just don't mess it up. Oui?"

"Of course Charles." Pierre said.

"Want a drink?" Charles asked, getting a head nod from Pierre as a reply, they ordered some shots.

Alternatively down there bar just a little, Océane and Charlotte also ordered some shots, taking some. "Want to just get completely drunk tonight?" Charlotte asked, "Already the plan mon amour."

Over the course of thirty minutes they all progressively got more drunk, taking advantage of the free drinks which Pierre and Océane so kindly got.

Océane decided to stay away from Pierre for the rest of the night, just in case she did something stupid and completely went back on the whole 'taking it slow' thing that she mentioned briefly when they were talking.

However, Charlotte and Charles found a new fascination of dancing together and leaving the person they were drinking with completely alone.

"Come on, dance with me." Pierre asked Océane. Basically begging her.

"Just once Gasly."

He took her hand and guided her to a space in the dance floor, the music wasn't exactly slow music, but Pierre insisted on the pair to just dance as if it was. Therefore Océane took Pierre's hand, and held it by her side, whereas Pierre's other hand guided its way around her waist. Their body's interconnected and closely touching, feeling each other's heat. Her head laid on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Which was abnormally fast. His scent was just as she remembered it, and for a second she felt at home, exactly where she belonged.

That was that for the night, Océane went home and managed to avoid Lando and Luisa. However she had to get a lift from someone sober as she genuinely couldn't walk the minutes it would have have taken.

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