Sickboo :(

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Ranboo got sick yesterday. it is quite rare for ranboo to get sick, but when he does, it is terrible. tommy, his boyfriend, was at work all day yesterday, and by the time he got home ranboo was asleep, so he didn't know ranboo got sick.

Tommy was up all night editing his videos, again, so he was exhausted. he was ready to climb into bed with ranboo, so he did. when he got in, ranboo was sweating. tommy put his hand up to ranboos forehead and it was burning. tommy jumped from the bed at record speed, causing ranboo to wake up to see all the commotion.

Ranboos POV:

Yesterday i got sick, but i didn't want to worry tommy, who was at work. he always gets stressed with his job and his youtube career, and also taking care of me, so i didn't want to stress him out more by troubling him with my problems with me being sick. so i went to bed earlier than normal so tommy wouldn't have to worry about me once he got home.

♧♧♧NEXT NORNING (present)♧♧♧

i woken up to tommy frantically running out if the room. i stand up to see whats going on only to be pushed back down onto the bed by tommy, who had a thermometer in hand.

"hey tommy, whats up" i said nervously

i didn't want him to find out about my fever. yes, i checked it yesterday, and yes, i felt like crap, but i didn't want to annoy tommy with something as stupid as a cold.

"i want to make sure your not sick, your head was burning up" tommy said, putting the thermometer up to my forehead......."101°F, what the hell" tomny muttered

"how did you feel yesterday boo" tom said

"like crap, but i didn't want to bother you" i said

welp the cat is officially out if the bag, i thought, i'm just gonna stress him out more, how could i be so stupid, i could've scooted out of the way of the thermometer, or told him i was fine, or-

"ranboo, i can, like, hear your thoughts or some shit, stop stressung yourself out, this would never bother me, in fact, you are more important to me than anything" tommy said, "i already called off of work for the next 5 days, and took a week hiatus from streaming and youtube so lets get you feeling better"

"are you sure this doesn't bother you toms" i asked

"boo, i love you more than anything in the world, now get your ass in bed and take the medicine i brought with me"

"fine" i said, crawling into bed

tommy joined me in the bed after getting a glass of water so i could take the medicine. once i did i kissed tommy on his head...

"thank you for everything" i said

"of course boo, now go to sleep" tommy said cuddling up to me


The rest of the week was spent taking care of ranboo, getting proper sleep and checking in on him. by the time the week was over, ranboo was feeling better and going back to his streaming.


532 words
the end

send me some fucking requests dudes

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